July property transfers
The Lincoln County Registry of Deeds provided the following information on property transfers recorded in July:
Alna: Marcus, Susan R to Taliento, Elisabeth M.
Boothbay: Calvanese, John A. and Calvanese, Carol R. to Calvanese, John R. Tr, Calvanese, Carol R. Tr and Calvanese Family Trust; Coffin, Christine Ann and Williamson, Christine to Coffin, Goldenberg William J; Traut, Frank A. to Kerr, Thomas A and Kerr, Sara D.; Oakes, Jane G. Tr, Hazen L Oakes Living Trust and Oakes, Hazen L Living Trust to Oakes, Jane G. Tr and Oakes Family Trust; Cole, Peter and Cole, Karen to Hennessy, Colleen and Hennessy, John R.; Richter, Joyce D. to Richter, Joyce D. and Richter, James J.; Maddocks, Sewall T. Jr to Hutchinson, Irene E.; Reed, Bradford G. and Reed, Roberta G. to Barter, Rebecca S. and Bredeau, Rebecca S.; Reed, Bradford G. and Reed, Roberta G. to Barter, Rebecca S. and Bredeau, Rebecca S.; Gordon, John S. Tr and Gordon Family Living Trust to Gordon, John S. and Gordon, Rose Corbett; Gordon, John S. Tr and Gordon Family Living Trust to Gordon, John S. and Gordon, Rose Corbett; Terry, Sandra L. to Judge, Wade W; Nolin, Wanda D. and Nolin, Roger R. to Milinowski, Roger and Milinowski, Judy; Noble, John J. and Noble, Joan T. to Lagasse, Madeleine M. and Tetreault, Joseph A.; Campbell, Robert J. and Campbell, Vicki L. to Grant, Colin E. and Grant, Susan A.; Scott, Randy O. and Scott, Lori A. to Richards, Nancy E. and Kimberley, Joseph A.; Kelly, James and Kelly, Muriel Crosbie to Gagnon, Don and Gagnon, Deborah; Gleysteen, Nicholas and Gleysteen, Paula M to Gleysteen, Nicholas and Gleysteen, Paula M; Spear, Lester D. to Wiley, Pamela J; Seascape LLC to Kern, Susan and Roig, Elizabeth; Black, Virginia Delaney and Delaney, Black Virginia to Delaney, Black Virginia Tr and Black, Virginia Delany Tr; Lockwood, Douglas B. and Lockwood, Cynthia L. to Lockwood, Douglas B.; Whipple, Cara D., Grant, David L. and Whipple, Charles Bruce to Leibert, Damon M F and Mann, Madelyn E; Smith, Timothy G and Smith, Cynthia W. to Miller, Ronald R. and Ashby, Wendy J.
Boothbay Harbor: Goulet, Patti L. and Goulet, Dennis P. to Mark D Dannels Revocable Living Trust, Dannels, Mark D Revocable Living Trust and Dannels, Mark D Tr; Barter, James C. and Barter, Kevin L. to Blair, Joel D.; Drucker, Laura P R, Drucker, Margaret L Est to Drucker, Laura Tr, Margaret L Drucker Testamentary Trust and Drucker, Margaret L Testamentary Trust; Entrust Of Tampa Bay LLC and Advanta Ira Services LLC to Norman, Lili, Advanta Ira Services LLC and Norman, William; Chadbourne, Lindsay Bradley to Curtis, Ashley and Curtis, Xiaowei; Maizner, andrew to Chambers, Marcia L; Friant, Mary Evelyn to Lafayette Boothbay Inc; Friant, George D. Tr, Howard L. Friant Living Trust and Friant, Howard L. Living Trust to Lafayette Boothbay Inc; Army, Kenneth L. and Army, Nancy L. to Riley, R. Shane; Milinowski, Roger R. and Milinowski, Judith W. to Zelazo, Philip R. and Zelazo, Philip D.; Rice, Cheryl L. to Wallner, Patrick and Wallner, Suzanne Rice; Meadow Land Company to Meadow Land Company LLC; Bournakel, Kay A to Ellis, Eric Lee; Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club to Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club; Doyle, Kenneth A P R and Smalls, Jean D Est to Bohemond Corp; Newell Richard H. Jr. Tr, J L B Realty Trust, J L B Trust and J L B Realty Trust to 35 Union St LLC; Kelly, Patricia H. and Kane, Anne T. to Phipps, Harold R. Jr and Phipps, Frances E.; Boothbay Region Water District to J L B Realty Trust, Newell, Richard H Jr Tr, J L B Realty Trust and J L B Trust.
Dresden: Stewart Family Trust and Stewart, Daniel R Tr to Stewart, Duncan E; Stewart, Talia M. and Stewart, Duncan E.; Stewart, Rita E. to Stewart, Duncan E; Staples, Wallace J. to Staples, Wallace E.; Robbins, Jenness L. and Robbins, Carol B. to Schwerling, Timothy Michael; Oakes, Jane G Tr, Hazen L Oakes Living Trust and Oakes, Hazen L Living Trust to Oakes, Jane G Tr and Oakes Family Trust; Mcdonald, Steven L. to Couillard, Sara A.; Kastrenos, Wendy Lou Tr, Oakes, Wilhelmine Dennis Tr, Wilhelmine, Heuer Dennis Revocable Trust and Dennis, Wilhelmine Heuer Revocable Trust to Lennig, Kurt; Noble, Virginia V to Foss, Trudy J; Pitcher, Stephen D Tr, Pitcher, Carolyn M Tr, Stephen D Pitcher and Carolyn M Pitcher Revocable Living Trust and Pitcher, Stephen D and Pitcher Carolyn M Revocable Living Trust to Pepin, Stephen R.
Edgecomb: Village At Sheepscot LLC to White, Edwin B. III; Colby, Bobbi Jo, Samuelson, Bobbi Jo and Larabee, Bobbi Jo to Buma, Rebecca H.; Salter, Robert W. and Salter, Pamela E. to French, John L.; Baron, Deborah H. to Urwin, Craig J. and Urwin, Christine K.; Longfellow, Clayton E. and Longfellow, Julia E. to Erickson, Kim E. and Bergstrom, David W.; Stein, Patrick Jessica, Patrick, Jessica; Stein, Patrick Jessica and Patrick, Daniel to Northern Chromatics LLC; Dionne, Bryan Derek and Ganong, Jessica Loren to Lubelczyk, Laura C. and Lubelczyk, Charles B.; Bathe, Ingrid to Chouinard, Dennis M. and Howell, James Raymond; Bailey, Gloria I and Bailey, Charles L to Midcoast Federal Credit Union; Lubelczyk, Charles B and Lubelczyk, Laura C. to Gravel, Gary S. and Davis, Paul L.; Dodge, Alan R. to Sullivan, Brendan M. and Sullivan, Judith M.; Achilles, Martin F Tr, Martha A Achilles Trust and Achilles, Martha A Trust to Michaud, Brenda.
Southport: Reepmeyer, Susan F P R and Fox, Pauline B. Est to Reepmeyer, Susan F; Reepmeyer, William V Tr, Reepmeyer, Susan F Tr, Reepmeyer, William V., Reepmeyer, Susan F., Susan F. Reepmeyer Trust and Reepmeyer, Susan F Trust to Reepmeyer, Susan F Tr, Susan F Reepmeyer 2017 Trust and Reepmeyer, Susan F 2017 Trust; Maher, Anne to Slater, Craig D. and Slater, Colleen M.; Rogers, William D. to Rogers, Inga O.; Rogers, Inga O. to Rogers, William D. Tr, Aghdami Farhad Tr, Inga Olsson Rogers 2012 Irrevocable Family Trust and Rogers, Inga Olsson 2012 Irrevocable Family Trust; Handley, Katherine B. to Maher, Anne.
Westport Island: Sawyer, Becky Jean and Schroeder, David L. to Crossley, William; Bowman, Scott Daniel to Bowman, Scott D. Tr and Bowman Family Trust; Prater, R. Burt and Prater, Joan to Jacques & Amelie LLC and Amelie & Jacques LLC; Barnes, Mary Ellen to Barnes, Mary Ellen; Reverse Mortgage Solutions Inc and Greenleaf, Cheryl to Reverse Mortgage Solutions Inc; Cormier, Jason S. to Powell, Zachary Andrew and Powell, Christina Michelle.
Wiscasset: Jason, Richard M. and Jason, Mary Elizabeth to O'Rourke, Martin and Rice, Harvey M; Wiscasset, Inhab Of to West, Nicholas W. and West, Gregory N; West, Gregory N., Hewes, Misty West and Misty D to West, Nicholas W. and West, Gregory N; Burnham, Amy Lynne, Garcia, Amy Lynne Burnham and Blaisdell, Kathleen to McCann, Thomas D. and McCann, Susan; Brinkler, James Tr and 15 Summer Street Realty Trust to 15 Summer Street LLC; Oakes, Jane G Tr, Hazen, L Oakes Living Trust and Oakes, Hazen L Living Trust to Oakes, Jane G Tr and Oakes, Family Trust; J P Morgan Chase Bank National Association and Plunk, Angela to J P Morgan Chase Bank National Association; United States Of America HUD to Green, Harry E. and Green, Anita L; Bartlett, Michael L to Stewart, James W. and Stewart, Ann G.; Worthing, James to Oakes, Michelle; Page, Joyce D P R and Daniels, Jeanne B Est to Frye, Kaleigh and Frye, Brent; Cole, Charles Douglas to Mcphee, Mackenzie P; Clark, Benjamin M. and Clark, Ariel A. to Jones, Robert E Tr, Robert E Jones Revocable Trust and Jones, Robert E Revocable Trust; Wiscasset, Inhab Of to Knight, Stacey D.; Mihalos, Rebecca, Reed, Bruce, Reed, Barbara Lori, Reed, John, Reed, Almira M, Reed, Matthew R, Lowell, Almira M. and Kenney, Almira May to Trautman, Katherine L.; Lemar, Nikita M. to Lemar, Nikita M. and Bowers, Andrew M.; Kelley, Newman U to Kelley, Newman U and Murray, Darlene M; Schwarz, Howard E Jr to Schwarz, Heidi and Genthner, Richard G; Morse, Lester R Sr to Moore, Richard F; Soule, Robert H and Soule, Phyllis J to Soule, Robert H, Soule, Phyllis J. and Soule, Robert L.; Curtis, Diane A. and Curtis, Thomas B. to Sawyer, Brenda J.
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