Pirates at Pemaquid ... again!
Batten down the hatches — a pirate is putting in at Pemaquid again!
Although reputed to be the “dread pirate” Dixie Bull, who attacked and sacked Pemaquid in 1632, his appearance at Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site on Saturday, July 18, will be most civilized and amicable. In a swashbuckling interpretation of New England’s first pirate, historian and author Jim Nelson will portray Dixie Bull in performances at 1 and 3 p.m. The Friends of Colonial Pemaquid is sponsoring the event and the event is free to all. Donations are welcome. Rain date is Sunday, July 19.
A native of Maine, Nelson is a full time historical writer, having published over 15 works of both fiction and non-fiction. Prior to his writing career, Nelson developed a rich maritime background while serving as seaman and mate aboard several replicas of 17th and 18th century vessels. He has appeared on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel as an authority on various aspects of maritime history. In addition to his writing endeavors, Nelson is the education coordinator for the Maine Maritime Museum.
Visitors are encouraged to return to Colonial Pemaquid on Monday, July 20 at 7:30 p.m. for a Monday evening lecture entitled, “Our 18th Century Heroes and Hell-Raisers and How They Affect Us Today." Boothbay historian Chip Griffin is the speaker.
For more information, visit our website at www.friendsofcolonialpemaquid.org, or you may contact the park manager at 207-677-2423.
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