Affordable, quality cross county ski equipment at HVNC
In order to help get kids and families outside having fun each winter, Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC) in Jefferson partners with the Maine Healthy Hometowns Program to lease affordable, quality cross country ski equipment to local kids ages kindergarten through eighth grade.
Families can lease high quality skis, boots, and poles through HVNC for just $65 for the entire winter. Each child will get sized for the skis, pick them up, and then take them home for the season. That way, kids and families can ski on great equipment wherever they want, whenever they want.
Don’t miss the essential Ski Fit Session on Wednesday Nov. 19 at Lincoln Academy, Room 101, from 5-6 p.m. Anyone who would like to take advantage of this program must be present to be properly fitted. It is essential that the child be there to be sized. Arrangements will be to pick up the skis about two weeks later.
The skis are waxable combi-skis, meaning they can be used as skate or classic skis. Any questions about the ski lease program can be directed to Andy,, or details are online at
“Trying to keep two growing kids outfitted has been a real challenge, but this program makes it a lot easier,” said Kristin Stone, an HVNC volunteer and frequent skier. Stone and others at HVNC have organized several events to help young skiers put their equipment to use. Early in the year there will be an “Ski Waxing Basics” class.
HVNC will also offer the annual Kids XC-Ski Clinic for kids ages 5-12. The clinic, starting on Saturday, Jan. 4 and running for six consecutive Saturdays, is a great place for skiers of different levels to gain confidence and enjoy HVNC’s trails. Instructors use fun, non-competitive methods to get the skiers out on the trails having fun each week. For more information see the link above.
More information available online at,, or call 207-200-8840.
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