Life A commemoration of the American Revolution at Coastal Senior College 3-2, Wiscasset school budget heads toward April 29 special town meeting United Way Walk-A-Thon postponed to April 5 Family Arcade Night March 28 in Wiscasset Call for volunteers: Career Fair at Edgecomb Eddy School May 30 Local ResourcesChurch Services: Boothbay, Wiscasset and DamariscottaDomestic Violence ResourcesAddiction Recovery Resources Education CTL Open House April 6 Wiscasset Feed Our Scholars bake sale March 29 'The Monhegan Wildlands' exhibit: At Bowdoin College and Monhegan Island Memoir writing and man in nature novels WES chorus entertains at St. Andrews Village and Wiscasset Community Center Coastal Senior College offers spring term course: ‘Dickens’s Magic Tricks’ Free climate change education workshop for teachers Youngest rising stars perform 'A Day with Dinosaurs' Health and Wellness Nomination deadline nears for Coulombe Center Innovation Award March Diabetes Support Group covers helpful CLC YMCA programs As birthing units close, where do midwives fit in? FOV urges lawmakers to prioritize domestic violence at State House rally 'The Dreaming Garden': Exploring the human-nature relationship Seeking Maine artist submissions for 2025 holiday cards MaineHealth Lincoln Hospital offers free ‘Understanding Breastfeeding’ class Free Sound Bath in Dresden Home and Garden Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District plant sale underway Mid-Coast Audubon bird seed sale fundraiser Garden Club of Wiscasset’s February program by Chewonki Garden Club of Wiscasset Veggies To Table seeks a variety of volunteers Annual wildflower seed fundraiser begins 2024 American Honey Princess to visit Maine Garden Club of Wiscasset to learn about micro-greens Social River Arts' 'Love' show runs through April 5 Wiscasset Senior Center Public invited to Lincoln Home’s Creativity Show Feb. 27 Sisterhood-building events to warm up February BBH Opera House: Italian guitarist Beppe Gambetta TREATS wins Wreaths Around the Holidays People’s Choice BH Opera House: Ellis Paul concert Dec. 28 John Doyle and Mick McAuley perform Irish Christmas concert Jay Sawyer's 'Spiritual Influence' new installation at CMBG Free holiday events coming to the Boothbay Harbor Opera House More Life >> Midcoast Conservancy closing Spectacle Islands in Damariscotta Lake to camping For many years, the tiny pair of conjoined Spectacle Islands–so named for their likeness to a pair of glasses–has been a regular stop for boaters cruising the southern end of Damariscotta Lake. It has also been open by reservation for overnight campers who paddle out there in canoes or kayaks for the experience of waking up on an island idyll. Edgecomb Community Church Tuesday lunches resuming Corned beef and cabbage is the first meal to be offered at the Edgecomb Community Church’s Tuesday Lunch on April 1. This free lunch program is always a popular time for guests on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Chef Marjorie Di Vece has a wide variety of meals planned for this year including homemade soups, breads and desserts. While there is no charge for these meals, donations are always welcome. Lunch is served promptly at noon. Hidden Valley Nature Center Vernal pools and turtles star in May naturalist programs Of all the interesting ways to observe the advance of spring, vernal pools are one of the most fascinating. A vernal pool is a temporary woodland pond or small body of water, often overlooked, which plays a central role in the life cycle of many amphibians and turtles and the organisms that rely on them. They have important implications and impacts on local wildlife, outdoor recreation, and forestry operations. We invite anyone to come and learn why vernal pools are so important to protecting Maine’s woodlands. Edgecomb Community Church Thrift Store reopening Tuesday, April 1is the official reopening of the Edgecomb Community Church’s Thrift Store after a 3-month winter shutdown. New and gently used items will be for sale along with lots of new puzzles, jewelry, craft items and kitchenware. Hours are Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 pm. Are the kids all right? New library series aims to explore ‘The Anxious Generation’ Libraries from around the state are teaming up for a three-part deep dive into the New York Times Bestselling book “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt. The series will be facilitated by child psychologist Dr. Joseph Moldover who will help guide participants through topics discussed in the book. Maine Press Association awards $10,000 in scholarships to support next generation of journalists The Maine Press Association is proud to announce it has awarded six scholarships to high school and college students totaling $10,000 to help those students further their pursuit of a career in journalism. The 42nd Maine Maple Sunday Weekend is here Yes, maple goodness is flowing and with it comes the arrival of Maine Maple Sunday Weekend March 22 and 23. A time to visit local producers and, in many cases, learn about the processes involved in making that sweet syrup we love on our pancakes, waffles, and ice cream; and in our pies, cakes and cookies throughout the year. In our immediate readership area these four farms will be welcoming folks looking to support local participating families celebrating the 42nd Maine Maple Weekend. Boothbay area officials join in Wiscasset’s discussion on schools’ future Wiscasset and Boothbay area speakers agreed Monday night, their communities should be thinking over what's next as student numbers have declined and residents still feel a connection to the local schools. Boothbay Town Manager Daniel Bryer Jr. sat with Boothbay Selectman Russell Pinkham to his right and, to Bryer's left, Boothbay Harbor Selectman Kenneth Rayle, in the audience of a Wiscasset Future of the Schools Committee meeting. CTL students win regional Scholastic Writing awards The Eastern Region of the Scholastic Writing Competition has named two middle school students from the Center for Teaching and Learning as recipients of its 2025 awards for excellence in writing. Octavia Aurora of Edgecomb received the regional competition’s highest honor, a Gold Key, for her poem, “The Trees of Edgecomb.” Her work will be submitted for judging at the national level. Ryo Sato-Papagiannis of Alna received an Honorable Mention for his poem, “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Siege Six.” Press release Busy times for 4-H Byre Clan January was a month of growth, learning, and teamwork for the 4-H Byre Clan, a vibrant youth farming club based in Bristol. Under the leadership of Club Leader Jeffrey Patterson and the support of dedicated volunteers, members engaged in a range of hands-on activities, furthering their agricultural skills while contributing to the care of Byre Farm’s animals. Following the first "All You Can Eat" pancake breakfast in December, the Club was set to host a Community Breakfast in February at Dot's Bakery in Bristol. Coastal Senior College offers spring term course: ‘Sinners and a Few Saints’ United Way of Mid Coast Maine Walk-A-Thon March 29 The United Way of Mid Coast Maine Walk-A-Thon to help give kids the best start in our community will be held on Saturday, March 29 from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Central Lincoln County YMCA, 525 Main Street, Damariscotta. Participants and supporters will help 50 local programs and initiatives and 8,000 people in Lincoln County (27,000 across the Midcoast) respond to emerging and unmet community needs, meet their missions, and have the resources they need to thrive. Proceeds benefit the United Way of Mid Coast Maine Community Fund. Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library Edward Judd and his passion for music A familiar face from the Hallowell Community Band will stop by Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library for the first Author Talk of the spring season. Edward Judd, a jack-of-all-instruments in the Hallowell band, has dedicated his life to music, both playing in musical groups and during a prolific teaching career. His many experiences with music were the inspiration for his newest book, Three Music Stories from Maine. Grove City College dean’s list The following local students were named to the dean's List for the fall 2024 semester at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. Julia Truesdell, a freshman English major from Wiscasset, has been named to the dean's list with high distinction for the fall 2024 semester. Julia is a 2024 graduate of homeschool and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Truesdell (Lisa) from Wiscasset. Wiscasset school committee Cohort 2 talks continue Wiscasset Elementary School Assistant Principal Danielle Harris told the school committee March 12, she is 100% for Wiscasset taking part in Cohort 2, the second wave of Maine Department of Education's piloting of early childhood special education. "I think it's the smartest thing that we could ever do (and) it would be ridiculous not to take advantage of this." Harris explained, having trouble speaking can lead to maladaptive behaviors; so getting speech therapy early can help avoid those and help the child be able to love school and learning, she said. Hidden Valley Nature Center Nature-inspired printmaking workshop Midcoast Conservancy is delighted to offer a one-day workshop with Maine print artist Jordan Kendall Parks on Saturday, April 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hidden Valley Nature Center at 1 Egypt Road in Jefferson. How much federal education funding is at risk in Maine? Here are four charts that break it down. As the Trump administration moves to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education, state officials face growing uncertainty around the future of school funding in Maine. It’s hard to say exactly how much federal funding is on the line, but data suggests that hundreds of millions of dollars could be at risk. Chainsaw safety course at Hidden Valley Nature Center Midcoast Conservancy is offering a one-and-a-half day Chainsaw Safety course at Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson; the workshop is designed for participants who have little or no experience with a chainsaw, though it can also be an effective refresher for more experienced individuals who have developed some bad habits with a saw. Free digital skills classes and devices in Wiscasset The National Digital Equity Center will be offering free digital skills classes at the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission (297 Bath Road, Wiscasset) at the following times: Monday, March 24 at 3 p.m.: Identifying Frauds and Scams Tuesday, March 25, at 3 p.m.: Cloud Based Back-up Solutions Monday, March 31, at 3 p.m.: Keeping Your Online Accounts Safe Midcoast Senior College presents 9 new classes this spring Midcoast Senior College brings classes to seniors interested in lifelong learning. The following new courses begin the week of Monday, April 7. Courses are four to six weeks long and are either in-person or online (Zoom). No grades, no exams, join MSC for learning for the fun of it! Registration for the following courses opens on March 17 for members and March 19 for non-members. Support the Wiscasset Newspaper Please help sustain local journalism. Become an online member today: Hi, Welcome and thank you for your support. To manage your account, just hover and click on your name above. Join Today Member Login Sponsored Content Main Street Shop SGS Closed Saturday 3/19 Southport General Store & Barn Beer & Wine Sale at SGS! Southport General Store & Barn Jacob Jolliff Band w/Anna May Camden Opera House Fresh Cupcakes! Southport General Store & Barn Chef Prepared Grab & Go Dinners Southport General Store & Barn CUPCAKE ALERT! Southport General Store & Barn Value Meals and Blue Plate Specials come to Brady's!! Brady’s New menu starts tomorrow!! Brady’s SAVE UP TO $1,200 IN FEDERAL ENERGY TAX CREDITS! Barnes Custom Window Treatments Sponsored Content Main Street Buzz SPSM Boat Talk: Marine Safety with Chase, Leavitt, & Co. Sail Power & Steam Museum Meet Hillary Barrett, Associate Broker at Newcastle Realty Newcastle Realty Gluten Free Chicken Parm Southport General Store & Barn March Market Update Newcastle Realty SPSM Captains' Quarters - History of Snow Marine Shipyard, Part 2 Sail Power & Steam Museum Stunning Luxury Waterfront Home in Bristol Newcastle Realty SGS CLOSED TODAY 3/25 Southport General Store & Barn The Waldo Presents: Fly Fishing Film Tour 2025 The Waldo Theatre Classifieds Recent Listings WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR ESTATE HOUSE KEEPING WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR ESTATE HOUSE KEEPING Beautiful furnished studio apartment for rent. PERSONAL ASSISTANT GAMAGE SHIPYARD HIRING Handyman Services ROOMMATE EAST BOOTHBAY Multiple Positions Employment Ad - Multiple Positions Sheds Built On Site Upcoming Events Y Arts presents 'Seussical the Musical' Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 06:30 pm The Waldo Presents: Fly Fishing Film Tour 2025 Friday, March 28, 2025 - 07:00 pm to 9:00 pm SPSM Boat Talk: Marine Coatings and Finishes with Epifanes Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 09:00 am to 10:00 am Y Arts presents 'Seussical the Musical' Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 06:30 pm Y Arts presents 'Seussical the Musical' Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 06:30 pm Y Arts presents 'Seussical the Musical' Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 06:30 pm Mah Jongg Monday, March 31, 2025 - 06:00 pm to 8:30 pm