Alna passes floodplains update
In a special town meeting that Alna resident Chris Cooper said may have been the shortest one he ever moderated, nine Alna voters on June 10 unanimously adopted a new floodplains ordinance. Alna and other area towns have been updating their floodplains rules in order to keep residents eligible for a federal flood insurance program.
The meeting at the Alna fire station started shortly after 7 p.m. with Cooper’s election as moderator, and was over by 7:11 p.m. Residents had no questions or comments on the proposed ordinance, which the planning board recommended the town pass.
Looking into the audience of five who joined selectmen and Town Clerk Amy Warner for the meeting, Cooper said that he had overestimated the number of chairs needed. The ordinance passed 9-0 in a show of hands.
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