Be still and know that I am
Dear Editor:
Lately, our culture seems hung up on who we are. Many claim they know what makes us who we are. They use judgment words that divide us, not caring what is truth.
Do they do this to take the place of God, or like Moses, are they seeking to know God better? God replied “I am who I am. Tell them I am has sent me.”
There are many humans who seem to have forgotten it is not our job to judge the hearts of every child of God. We are not Moses, nor are we gifted without bias to lay out a judgment of the human heart.
In Exodus no one wanted to believe Moses knew the future of their land. They demanded to know who was “I am?”
When we introduce ourselves, it is simply “I am who I am.” We know who we are and what are our gifts to share and what are the purposes of our life. No one defines us without knowing us. Even our family may not know us because they did not walk in our shoes or live in our lives, unless and until we shared pieces of our existence, our dangers, our escapes, our joys and our gifts of purpose to help others and our acceptance of help from others.
Be still and know that I am is another wake up call. No one, not even the president of the United States, can define another human being. If they call an innocent child an illegal immigrant or a thief, or a bully, they do not know God’s children and seek to make others believe in an untruth.
Be still is another alert that says pay attention. I am who I am knows us all in our hearts and minds, and in how deep our soul cares about the value of life.
Jarryl Larson
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United States