Ben Rines Jr. seeks to return to Wiscasset selectboard
Address: Old Bath Road
Occupation: 33 years BIW welder, retired
Education: Graduate of Wiscasset High School, Class of 1971
Political History (Board, committees, other): Four years Wiscasset budget committee, four years Lincoln County budget committee, four years Maine House of Representatives, and 22 years Wiscasset selectboard
Clubs/Organizations: Past president and member of the Wiscasset Alumni Association
Considering the office you are running for, what do you feel are the three most pressing issues (350 words or less): The issue that just about decides everything else is the taxes we pay. It has been 25 years, 1997, since Maine Yankee’s sudden closure and the loss of millions in tax revenues to our town. It hasn’t been easy. Their closure led to years of significant change; hiring town managers, instituting the sewer bills, downsizing departments and selling the primary school are just some of the changes made to protect the taxpayers.
The last selectboard I served on, 2020, presented the voters with an annual budget that didn’t increase taxes. But times change fast. Today’s inflation will have a huge impact on already strained budgets. It will be a challenge. I have the time, the interest and the background for the job and would appreciate your consideration. I mean, who doesn’t like a challenge?
Any other thoughts on why you are running or what you can bring to the office? (150 words or less): I think Wiscasset does a lot of things right. Our town offers many essential services to everyone, and we need to protect these services in return. As to what I might bring to the board, I’d be the last person to figure that out. However, I would say I have always believed in our town government and it has always been an honor serving the citizens of Wiscasset. Thank you.