Dresden selectmen

Board concerned about after hours use of transfer station

Fri, 01/20/2023 - 7:15pm

    Town Administrator Daniel Swain told selectmen Jan. 17 that things are going well at the transfer station. “Bottles are being addressed on a timely basis,” thanks to Selectman Don Gleason and the snow blower is fixed, thanks to Selectman Allan Moeller Sr.

    Moeller commended Spicer’s Small Engine Repair for fixing the snow blower, saying the business did a “bang up job. It runs like a new one.”

    Swain did however express concern over people driving around the gate when the transfer station is closed. He suggested getting a jersey barrier to put at the right of the gate. “It’s not a very safe place to be driving. It's very wet. It’s very muddy.” In a phone interview, Swain told Wiscasset Newspaper, going around the gate could become a problem if it increases because trash disposal generates revenue for the town, “so if people come when we’re not open, then we lose that income. We budget a certain amount of sand for the public.” Residents are limited to one five-gallon bucket of sand per storm but there are reports of people backing up with their trucks, Swain said.

    Gleason said he would like the town to consider a stipend for transfer station attendants’ clothing. “Their clothing takes a beating. We should be giving them either compensation or a uniform.” Swain explained attendants are currently reimbursed for the cost of their safety gear and boots. In the phone interview, Swain said he told the attendants “If you have any expenses (regarding clothing) feel free to turn them into the town office.” Gleason would like to make the process a little more formal, Swain said.

    The school board is working on a cost comparison between Dresden owning its own buses versus renewing its contract with Cyr bus company. The contract with the bus company is up for renewal this year, Swain said in the phone interview. During the meeting, school board member Jeff Bickford brought up the issue of where to park the buses if the town did buy them. There was discussion about the possibility of parking them behind Pownalborough Hall.

    The broadband committee will be using the Get Ready grant to send out postcards with information to residents, chair Judy Tunkle reported to the board. The committee will also be providing information in the next issue of the Communicator. The selectmen went into executive session at the end of the meeting because “The broadband committee wanted to speak to the selectboard about the negotiation of a contract,” Swain said in the phone interview.

    Prior to going into executive session, Selectmen’s Chair John Rzasa told residents at the meeting they would be limited to one question, saying the board is not required to allow citizens to ask questions. Residents are encouraged to email the town office with questions or concerns before meetings so they can be placed on the agenda.

    Warrants were approved and signed for the replacement of a pump at the water department and new tires on a firetruck. Plowing contractor Josh Watson agreed to the 10% increase in his annual charge to include plowing the water department.

    The town office continues to work on updating the town website. Residents are reminded that town email addresses now end with @dresdenme.org