Pumpkinfest 2013
Chunkin’ go nuts
Sun, 10/13/2013 - 1:00pm
Chase Monroe, left, and Tom Monroe, center, watch as a pumpkin splash-lands in the Great Salt Bay Sunday. Tom and Chase, both of Rockland, launched the pumpkin from a catapult in Nobleboro as part of Sunday’s Pumpkinfest activities. BEN BULKELEY/Wiscasset Newspaper
Crews load a pumpkin into the “punkin chunker” Sunday in Nobleboro. BEN BULKELEY/Boothbay Register
A pumpkin is launched some 3,500-feet and into the water. BEN BULKELEY/Boothbay Register
Chase Monroe, left, and Tom Monroe, center, watch as a pumpkin splash-lands in the Great Salt Bay Sunday. Tom and Chase, both of Rockland, launched the pumpkin from a catapult in Nobleboro as part of Sunday’s Pumpkinfest activities. BEN BULKELEY/Wiscasset Newspaper
Crews load a pumpkin into the “punkin chunker” Sunday in Nobleboro. BEN BULKELEY/Boothbay Register
A pumpkin is launched some 3,500-feet and into the water. BEN BULKELEY/Boothbay Register
If the festivities in Damariscotta October 13 had a theme, it would be pumpkin destruction.
The second-to-last day of Pumpkinfest featured pumpkins being dropped, smashed, chunked and chucked throughout Damariscotta and Nobleboro.
Sunday morning opened with long-rang pumpkin destruction as the Pennsylvania-based “Big 10 Inch” pumpkin cannon was launching pumpkins into the Great Salt Bay.
Alongside the cannon a pumpkin trebuchet was busy launching pumpkins into the drink as crowds gathered in Nobleboro.
At 3 p.m. Sunday at Round Top Farms in Damariscotta pumpkins will be dropped from a 180-foot crane as Sunday’s pumpkin destruction continues.
Click here for more articles and the complete Pumpkinfest schedule.
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