Clamming with KELT at Reid State Park
The Kennebec Estuary Land Trust (KELT) kicks off its “Summer Exploration” series on Thursday, July 17 from 10 a.m. to noon at Reid State Park in Georgetown. The public is invited to traverse the softshell clam flats with Georgetown’s Shellfish Warden, Jon Hentz, and learn to dig clams. This event is great for kids!
An encore exploration from the past summers, adults and children alike will enjoy the scenery, sandy flats, and hunting for softshell clams and other spineless critters. No clam digging license is needed to dig a peck of clams in the state park!
Hentz has been warden for several towns in the Kennebec Estuary region for over a decade. He will share clam digging techniques as well as information about the local clam harvesting industry and importance of clean water to the clams and the harvesters that dig them.
The program offered by KELT is free and open to the public. Participants will need to pay the state park entrance fee. This is a rain or shine event. Registration is strongly encouraged and any questions can be directed to Becky Kolak at 207-442-8400 or This program was generously sponsored by the Merrymeeting Bay Trust.
For more information, visit or call 207-442-8400.
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