Cruz scores most votes in Lincoln County Presidential Caucus
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz ot Texas received the most votes in the Lincoln County Republican Presidential Caucus Saturday. Cruz received 325 votes of the 701 cast at the countywide caucus held at Wiscasset Middle High School.
New York billionaire Donald Trump finished second with 270 votes, 35.8 percent. Ohio Governor John Kasich was third with 92, 12. 2 percent. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio placed fourth with 50 votes, 6.6 percent. And retired surgeon Ben Carson received 9 votes or 1.2 percent.
Lincoln County GOP chairman Stuart Smith estimated over 1,000 people attended the caucus which also elected delegates to the state convention in Bangor and representatives to the county Republican committee. Voter turnout was over four times greater than in 2008. Smith estimated the last presidential caucus had about 170 voters.
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