Damariscotta voters approve budget
The Damariscotta town meeting was Wednesday, June 11. Almost 60 voters were on hand at the Lincoln Theater to discuss and pass the 45 articles.
In the end, voters pressed the yes button for all applicable articles and approved the town's operating budget.
The only article that received a change was article 12, which deals with the annual amount of money donated from a trust fund to assist the worthy poor.
The original budgeted amount was $4,000, but after two separate amendments the amount was bumped to $6,000.
An amendment was tried, and struck down, to turn over five percent of the fund's year-to-year earnings over to the worthy poor.
The fund is used for things that wouldn't normally be covered, such as emergency funds for those who would otherwise be unable to pay for it.
Voters also picked Mary Patricia McLean for cemetery trustee; Justin Hagar and Ronald Ranes were both picked for the budget committee.
Voters also gave the OK for the town to start accepting donations for a new kitchen at the police department and passed the comprehensive plan.
The outgoing board of selectmen also gave Patti Whitten the Spirit of America Award for her work on the Cemetery Committee.
“Since 2010 (Whitten) has been the town's guardian when it comes to the cemeteries, both public and private,” outgoing Selectmen’s Chairman Joshua Pinkham said.
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