Gingerbread 101: Sweet tips for your sweetbread
What's the most important tip for creating a successful gingerbread house? Plan ahead! At least, according to Opera House of Boothbay Harbor Lighting and Technical Director Kevin Kiley, who once again donned his hat of master gingerbread architect for his annual class. The lecture serves as a free community activity and a crash course for those interested in participating in the Opera House’s three-day Gingerbread Spectacular in mid-December.
He had around 40 students this year, both returners and newbies. Each received a handout with Kiley-certified recipes, and a basic structural guide for a classic house. However, Kiley also encouraged people to think outside the box.
“There’s no limit on creativity, as long as it’s edible,” said Kiley. Even then, it doesn't have to be that edible, as Kiley shared oneinstance where a participantincorporated her burnt gingerbread into her design, making little firemen to put out her “burning” house.
Tip 1: Not every gingerbread recipe is created equal.While the store box mixes will work, they’re more likely to expand after baking and require recutting or having their edges shaved off (you can use a lemon zester!). Kiley provided a recipe for a sturdier gingerbread that, while “hard on the teeth,” will ease the assembly process. Bakers can also fill the house with Rice Krispy treats for added stability.
Tip 2:Create a mock-up.Kiley recommends planning out your design using cardboard or foamcore to get a rough idea of the needed size and how the pieces will fit together. It’s easier to make adjustments during this stage than when you’re working with slabs of cookie. This is especially important if you plan to create an unconventional shape, such as a boat or a skyscraper (both of which have made appearances during the Spectacular). Also, re-cut your pieces if they expand in the oven.
Tip 3: Get creative! There are a lot of ways to add a distinct flair to your creations. For windows, you can cut a square into the dough and fill it with crushed Jolly Ranchersfor a stained-glasslook orsimply attach a grid-shaped pretzel.Gingerbread can also be warped before it cools completely, so give your ginger-boat a sea-worthy curve oryour gingerbread men something to hold!
But whether you’re throwing your hat in the ring or not, the Gingerbread Spectacularwill provide enough sweet creations to get a cavity at. This year’s event runs for three days:
Friday, Dec. 13, 1-6 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 14, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 15, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.