letter to the editor

A huge thank you

Mon, 07/29/2024 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

The Wiscasset Fire Department would like to express our thanks and gratitude to our community.

The Wiscasset Clipper Mart graciously donated snacks and drinks to the Wiscasset Fire Department and the Wiscasset Police Department. Your donation was very much appreciated while we were out on call on a hot summer day. We wanted to thank you for thinking of us.

A big thank you to Wiscasset Shaw’s for their generous donations. Their donation helped contribute to a successful day down at the waterfront grilling our famous foot-long hotdogs on 4th of July. Your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed!

The Wiscasset Fire Department would also like to extend our thanks to a local husband and wife who assisted in one of our calls recently. With no hesitation, the two were able to help operate and navigate the Sheepscot and lead a boater in distress back to safety. Thank you both for stepping up willingly in a time of need.

Lastly we would like to add a thank you to department members that donated their time to help start and complete our kitchen renovation along with a local construction contractor who donated their employees’ time and equipment to help us out with the finishing touches.

Thank you to the whole community for your continued support. We will always be there when you call!

Wiscasset Fire Department