Jobs, jobs, jobs
Dear Editor:
Creating a business is not easy. It requires a lot of effort, sacrifice and money. Successful businesses create jobs. With jobs we can provide for our families. However, here in Maine, our State Legislature continues to propose legislation that makes it much more difficult for a business to be successful.
Our legislature proposes and passes legislation that increases the cost of doing business. Do we really think these additional regulations will attract business to Maine? Yet our business provides jobs.
It’s not as easy as people think. It requires a lot of work and sacrifice and money.
During the last two years, the federal government has been continuously reducing regulations enabling business to grow and create jobs, and spurring the growth of the economy. The unemployment rate has decreased to 3.6%.
While the federal government is deregulating, the state is regulating. Why should business come to Maine? Do we not understand that jobs support families?
The state of Maine continues to add costly requirements to business operations. How is this supposed to help us in Maine? How is this supposed to bring new business to Maine?
Edward J. Polewarczyk
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