Learn to cross-country ski at HVNC
Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC) in Jefferson is an education and recreation center in Midcoast Maine boasting more than 20 miles of beautiful cross-country ski trails. Each winter thousands of visitors head to HVNC to enjoy the 1,000 acres of forest knit together by great multi-use trails. This winter kids and adults alike are invited to take part by learning the fundamentals of cross-country skiing.
On Saturday, Jan. 3, 9:30-11 a.m., kids ages 5-12 are invited to the annual KickOff Clinic. The Kickoff Clinic is the official start to a six week cross-country ski clinic, but it is free and open to everyone, registration required. If you enjoy the KickOff Clinic you can register for the remaining five weeks. Participants will spend an hour-and-a-half each morning working on the basics of cross-country skiing. Participants will be divided into groups based on experience and skill level, and will work with one of our skilled and enthusiastic ski instructors. The atmosphere is fun and non-competitive.
Interested families and individuals should register online at www.hvnc.org/registration. Please note that anyone interested in the Free Kickoff Clinic still should register online because space is limited. Participants can register for the Full Clinic in advance, or they can wait until after the Kickoff Clinic on Jan. 3.
Clinic details are available online at http://hvnc.org/xc-ski-clinic. Registration fees range between $40-$60. Discounts applied for HVNC membership, as well as for siblings. Limited scholarship assistance is available. Space is limited, please sign up early: info@hvnc.org.
New this year adults will have an opportunity to learn to cross-country ski, or refresh their skills. On Saturday, Jan. 17, 12-2:30 p.m. Bob Steneck will lead an adult instructional class. Bring your own gear, or Maine Sport will be on site that day renting gear.
Participants will spend most of the time on their skis practicing the fundamentals, but some attention will be given to buying the right gear and maintenance. This a great opportunity for new skiers and refreshers alike! For more information head to www.hvnc.org/registration.
For more information on HVNC, visit hvnc.org, call 207-200-8840, or email info@hvnc.org.
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