Next comp plan community workshop Aug. 14
The future of our town is in your hands! Wiscasset is embarking on a journey to shape its future through comprehensive planning. We would appreciate your input so that we can better understand what you value within our community.
The workshop will cover various topics: transportation, historic and archeological resources, natural resources, waterfront, climate initiatives, public facilities and services, economy, people and places, and education. This community workshop is vital for gathering insights, ideas and priorities from our community's residents, business owners and stakeholders. Your input will assist the Committee with updating the Comprehensive Plan, which will serve as a roadmap for Wiscasset's future; also, guiding policies, investments and initiatives to enhance our quality of life and ensure sustainable growth directly influence the decisions and strategies that will guide the development and growth of Wiscasset in the coming years.
The Wiscasset Comprehensive Plan Committee is excited to announce that it will hold another Comprehensive Plan Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Wiscasset Community Center.
Everyone (employees, residents, business owners) is encouraged to participate in Wiscasset’s Comprehensive Plan Workshop. Note: This repeats the Saturday, May 11 workshop. If you attended that workshop and want to attend again, great (but certainly not required)!
Fun Activities for all ages! Investing 'Planning Bucks'; Stoplight Stickers; Coloring Corner; Share Thoughts on the Comp Plan Update Process
If you need a ride, click on
Hope to see you there!