Polewarczyk leaving select board
Wiscasset Selectmen's Chairman Ed Polewarczyk will end his service on the board when his term runs out in June. Polewarczyk confirmed in an interview March 12 that he will not seek reelection to a third term.
Instead, Polewarczyk wants to spend more time with family and meet his other commitments to a part-time job and a software program he's creating with his son.
But that's not the only reason he's decided not to seek reelection after two terms. Polewarczyk, 71, said he's frustrated that he's been unable to convince residents to make the decisions he believes are best for the town.
He and the board have tried to inform voters about budgets and other matters, he said.
“I feel I failed,” he said.
Last year's budget votes nearly resulted in multiple layoffs, he said.
Polewarczyk called Wiscasset's withdrawal from Regional School Unit 12 a “really bad financial decision.”
He also has a medical reason for ending his service on the board. He is facing possible surgery on one or both knees. “They are getting worse,” he said.
The recovery time would have meant missing many meetings, Polewarczyk said.
Letting people know now that he is not seeking reelection will make potential candidates aware that one of the seats up for election is vacant, he said.
While he's looking forward to spending more time with family in Detroit and Chicago, instead of sandwiching those visits between board meetings, Polewarczyk said he is not planning to leave Wiscasset.
He works about 20 hours a week for Peregrine Turbine Technologies in Wiscasset; and he is optimistic for Wiscasset's future, particularly if it protects its schools and other assets, he said.
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