Reinhardt leaves WHPC
John Reinhardt, chair of the Wiscasset Historic Preservation Commission since its inception, resigned effective immediately May 2. He told fellow commission members he wants to have more time for his other interests, including family, home and music.
Members thanked him for serving. Without Reinhardt's efforts, Wiscasset wouldn't have its preservation ordinance that created the commission, member Susan Blagden said.
Also at the meeting, Blagden was elected chair, Leslie Roberts vice chair, and Pam Logan secretary.
The commission is now down to three members.
The town’s planned application for a certificate of appropriateness for a replacement fence at the Ancient Cemetery was withdrawn before the meeting. Reinhardt did not know why.
A proposed kayak rack for the recreational pier area also did not get considered yet for a COA. Selectmen will meet at the waterfront at 5 p.m. Tuesday, before their 6 p.m. meeting. They are considering the options for a possible addition of a kayak rack.
The HPC considered ways to make the COA process easier for applicants, and discussed possibly adding a flowchart to the application package. They also considered ways to link viewers of the website to documents, which were not easy, even for commission members, to find.
The commission meets next on June 6.
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