Sale of White’s Island near
The sale of White’s Island to the Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) is nearing completion. Although a number of details still need to be worked out, Wiscasset selectmen were told the eventual transfer of ownership to the town could take place later this year.
The island is located a short ways west of Wiscasset Yacht Club in Bradbury Cove. It has been privately owned for many years and closed to the public, although the town owns the two footbridges leading to it along with a right-of-way across the island.
Town Manager Marian Anderson shared a Jan. 13 email she’d received from Steve Walker, the project manager with MCHT, who is involved in the island’s purchase. In it, Walker states MCHT had received the title commitment on the island and hoped to close on the property next week.
Last July, selectmen learned of MCHT’s interest in obtaining White’s Island. The Topsham-based nonprofit has been negotiating to buy the island with the intention of then turning it over to the town to be maintained in its natural state and reopened to the public.
Anderson said now that the sale of the island is nearing completion, MCHT is requesting a letter from selectmen stating the town’s interest in accepting it and working with them towards crafting a conservation easement. The easement would be held by MCHT and prevent the island from being used for purposes other than conservation and recreation. The town manager added Walker had offered to meet with selectmen to discuss the arrangements.
Details still to be worked out include what funds might be needed for reopening the footbridges and what needs to be done about the railroad crossing. Ultimately the proposal will be left for voters to decide in May or June when they take up the warrant for the 2016-2017 town budget.
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