Skidompha Strummers at Damariscotta library Aug. 31
Saturday, Aug. 31 is international Play Music on the Porch Day and, as in previous years, the Skidompha Strummers, ukulele ensemble, will perform at the front door of Skidompha Public Library in downtown Damariscotta, starting at 10:15 a.m.
The group will play and sing a variety of well-known songs, and listeners will be encouraged to sing along if they wish.
The free performance is just one of several events taking place at the library during Labor Day weekend. For a full schedule, visit
Play Music on the Porch Day is celebrated in more than 70 countries, as musicians step outside and share their music with friends, neighbors, and the wider community. The idea originated in Los Angeles in 2014. The Strummers first participated in 2018.
The library formed the Skidompha Strummers in the fall of 2017, and the group has played weekly since then (on Zoom during the pandemic). They meet in the Porter room at the library from 3 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays. Practices are open to the public, and new members are always welcome. Anyone who has a uke and knows a few basic chords and strumming patterns is invited to join. The library owns several ukuleles available to lend to patrons with Skidompha Library cards.
For more information about the library’s programs, activities, and collections, or about the Strummers, please phone the library at 207-887-0919, or visit