Southport’s ‘Church on the Hill’ welcomes new pastor
At 9 a.m. on Sunday, July 3, Pastor Gregory Foster will begin his tenure as pastor of Southport’s United Methodist Church. He takes the position vacated by Pastor Richard Rego who has been recently reassigned to
Caribou, Maine. Please come to “The Church on the Hill” July 3 to join your Southport neighbors and summer neighbors in giving Pastor Foster a warm Southport welcome. All are welcome!
Pastor Foster is no stranger to our area. He has been a Wiscasset resident for many years and a frequent visitor to the Boothbay region. As a part-time pastor for the former Boothbay Region Cooperative United Methodist
Parish, he has filled in at our Southport church over the years. Most recently, he served as pastor of the Waldoboro United Methodist Church, and up until very recently, served as chaplain of the Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care.
Pastor Foster earned a B.A. degree in journalism from the University of Maine-Orono and a M. Div. degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Pastor Foster has worn a variety of hats both vocational and avocational. A pastor since 1980, he has also been a journalist in both Boston and Maine, having come from a newspaper family in Maine. In more recent years, he was on the news staff of the
Wiscasset Newspaper and Lincoln County News while performing part-time pastoral ministry. He is also a certified educational technician 3.
As an avocation, he performed in two stage productions at the Chocolate Church Arts Center in Bath. Pastor Foster writes songs and enjoys singing as well as playing the guitar and piano.
Pastor Foster is the father of five and grandfather to six young grandchildren. He was married to Carolyn Foster, R. N. at the former St. Andrews Hospital, who passed away eight years ago.
Foster says his aim is to serve and reach out to the community of Southport and the surrounding area in various ways.
“For this is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:24