Summer 2014 at Colonial Pemaquid will feature living history, lectures, archaeology
In 2014, the Colonial Pemaquid State Historic site once again will host a series of living history events, lectures and an archaeology workshop to showcase various aspects of life in Midcoast Maine during the 17th and 18th centuries and, more specifically, Pemaquid’s place in that colonial world.
Sponsored by the Friends of Colonial Pemaquid, these events draw expertise from historians, authors and archaeologists to help build an accurate picture of the place on the map known as Pemaquid.
Most living history events take place outdoors on the weekends and there is no charge for these events, other than the customary park fees. History lectures are held on Monday evenings at the Contented Sole Restaurant adjacent to the museum at Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site, where a modest fee of $5 is charged for non-members. Lectures are free to members.
Summer 2014 will also be the first full summer after completion of an authentic on-site replica of a 1600s thatched dwelling. As was the case last year, this season Colonial Pemaquid interns will be on hand in period dress to tell the story of life in 17th Century Pemaquid and answer your questions.
Join other history lovers in supporting this summer’s close look at a time and a place so important to the European development of the New World.
Colonial Pemaquid is open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Park personnel and interpreters are available to answer questions and to direct visitors to the site’s historic structures, archaeological remains, museum, burial ground and gift shop. A permanent exhibit, “Guns, Politics and Furs” is housed in the partially reconstructed Fort William Henry on site.
There is also a fascinating exhibit of coins found during excavations undertaken at Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site and a 379-year-old horsehide trunk that survived a 1635 shipwreck in Pemaquid Harbor caused by one of the most terrific storms to occur along the Maine coast.
Reservations for school or group tours can be made by calling 207-677-2423. For more information, visit
Summer Program 2014
Saturday, May 24: Memorial Day Weekend Concert. Maine St. Andrew’s Pipes & Drums: Traditional tunes of the British Isles performed by a kilted band from Ellsworth at 2 p.m.
Saturday, June 14: First Evening Lantern Walk of the Season. Step into the past as you tour a 17th century village, meet some of the inhabitants and be challenged by an 18th century soldier on guard duty at Fort William Henry. 8:30 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, June 15. ($5 or free to members. Children 12 and under free.)
Saturday, June 21: For King and Country. Become a soldier and join the militia garrison of 18th century Fort Frederick. You’ll learn to march and drill, help defend the fort against the king’s enemies, and earn a day’s pay. 1 and 3 p.m. Rain date is Sunday June 22.
Friday, July 4: 238th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Public reading and commentary by living history interpreters at 2 p.m. Rain date is Saturday, July 5.
Saturday, July 12: Families of the Eastern Frontier. What was it like for families in Pemaquid during the 17th and 18th centuries? This special program highlights life on the colonial frontier, featuring personal accounts, clothing, crafts, games, and cooking. 2 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 13.
Saturday, July 12: July Evening Lantern Walk. Step into the past as you tour a 17th century village, meet some of the inhabitants and be challenged by an 18th century soldier on guard duty at Fort William Henry at 8:30 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 13. ($5 or free to members. Children 12 & under free.)
Monday, July 14: “A Plenty of Fish and Lobsters Very Great.” Cookery in Early Pemaquid at 7:30 p.m. Cultural historian Nathan Randall investigates early settlers’ diets. Did they adapt their English tastes to the Maine environment or go native? ($5 or free to members.)
Monday, July 21: A Search for Sectional Identity in 17th Century Maine District, 7:30 p.m. John O’Toole reveals how English political turmoil impacted long term plans for the District of Maine and spawned an independent population. ($5 or free to members.)
Saturday, July 26: Pirates at Pemaquid! Living history presenter and local author James Nelson recreates the infamous Dixie Bull who attacked and sacked Pemaquid in 1632. 1 and 3 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 27.
Monday, July 28: Forts Along the Kennebec, 7:30 p.m. Lee Cramner, Maine Historic Preservation Commission’s Emeritus Archaeologist, highlights a series of four forts that were built along the Kennebec River between 1720 and 1754 to secure the frontier and make settlers feel secure and protected. ($5 or free to members.)
Monday, August 4: The Indian Canoe Routes of Maine, 7:30 p.m. Lecture by David Cook in which he explores the Native American light-weight canoe and the technical advantage it provided in navigating the Maine watershed. ($5 or free to members.)
Wednesday, August 6: Final Evening Lantern Walk of the Season. Step into the past as you tour a 17th century village, meet some of the inhabitants and be challenged by an 18th century soldier on guard duty at Fort William Henry. 8 p.m. Rain date is Thursday, August 7 ($5 donation or free to members. Children 12 and under free.)
Saturday/Sunday, August 9/10: Olde Bristol Days: 17th Century Encampment. Outdoor interpretative weekend, showcasing civilian and military aspects of 17th century life. Reenactors demonstrate equipment, crafts, cooking, children’s games, etc. Sponsored jointly by F.O.C.P and the state of Maine. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.
Monday, August 11: Lightning Strikes Twice, 7:30 p.m. Native American cultural historian Ken Hamilton discloses how the Fort at Pemaquid was captured not once but twice by a Native force during King William’s War. ($5 or free to members).
Monday, August 18: In Search of A World in Transition. Archaeology in South Berwick, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Neill DePaoli, historical archaeologist, reveals more findings from his digging at the Humphrey Spencer home, tavern and gardens (1696-1712). ($5 or free to members.)
Saturday, August 30: Castlebay in Concert: Season’s End. Enjoy an outdoor performance of Celtic music featuring Castlebay, the popular local duo of Fred Gosbee and Julia Lane. 1 and 3 p.m.
Event Date
2 Colonial Pemaquid Dr.
New Harbor, ME 04554
United States