Vote for Wiscasset’s future success
Dear Editor:
The upcoming select board election on June 12 is critical for the future success and vitality of Wiscasset. We need select board members who will govern with the best interests of the entire town and all its residents. The recent lawsuit against the DOT was a waste of money and time. Let’s not repeat that mistake and elect select board candidates who were in support of that lawsuit.
This is a vote for our future. Wiscasset needs economic development with new businesses that will employ more people and attract younger families. Additional business translates into additional contributions to our tax base. Growth is the key to a thriving Wiscasset and supporting candidates that are forward thinkers is essential to that process.
Kim Andersson, David Cherry and Judy Colby will move this town forward and work to develop our local economy. Judy as a current board member and David as a prior board member recognize the relevance of economic growth and will support those efforts. Kim would add a fresh perspective to the select board. She represents young family interests and realizes the importance of growth for the future of this town, and the necessity of that growth to ensure a promising future for her own children currently attending school in Wiscasset.
Think of your future and of Wiscasset’s future when you vote on June 12.
Greg Uthoff
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