Voting for Jason Putnam
Dear Editor:
It was with great interest I read in the Sept. 27 edition of the Lincoln County News the two interviews with Jason Putnam and Jeff Hanley, the candidates running for the House District 87 seat.
As a former teacher of students who learn differently, I was impressed with Jason’s remarks on how to improve education here in Maine, specifically by public funding of pre-kindergarten programs. All students deserve to get a head start, not just students whose parents can afford pre-school. He also points out that the state has not come through on the voter-passed law mandating that it fund 55 percent of public education. It would help all of us – students and property tax payers – if that could be enacted!
Restorative justice is an excellent process that can be used in schools as well as the courts, and Jason supports this practice for low-level drug users. When used for minor offenses, it can help keep offenders out of prison and in treatment, thus eliminating the cost of incarceration.
Jeff Hanley says he is running again because he likes the work. Well, it would seem to me that much of that work consists of communicating with your constituents. In the four years that Mr. Hanley has served in the House, he never once answered any letter of mine or requests to meet with me.
Not having gotten the sort of responsiveness that I expect from my representatives, I’m looking forward to voting for Jason Putnam on Nov. 6.
His service on the Wiscasset School Committee for more than two years, the experience he has gained by running a successful carpentry business, and his support for Medicaid expansion (also passed by voters) are even more reasons why I think he will serve us well in Augusta. Please join me in voting for Jason Putnam.
Susan van Alsenoy
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