Westport Island Democrats meet
The Westport Island Democratic Committee met on the evening of Feb. 11 to enjoy a potluck meal and discuss local, state and national political matters.
On town affairs, Jeff Tarbox gave remarks on the Comprehensive Plan committee's work in putting together a draft Comprehensive Plan to be voted on by town residents, hopefully this November. Ralph Jacobs and Jack Swanton gave an overview of the broadband internet negotiations currently pending between the town and providers.
The group also discussed various reforms to the political process being considered in the state legislature, including moving from a caucus to a primary system for presidential elections, and how group members can weigh in on these matters. With Democrats in control of the legislature as well as the executive branches, we can expect to see action on improving health care, education, and addressing the energy needs of our state in the context of climate change.
At the federal level the "Green New Deal" to tackle climate change while promoting green jobs is getting a lot of attention, and locally both Lincoln County Indivisible and the Lincoln County Democrats plan to raise awareness and public dialogue around that effort.
Looking ahead to the summer, committee members sketched out some planned activities, including door-to-door canvassing and the annual Labor Day Picnic event.
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