Woolwich Day 10k and fun run Aug. 1
Sign up soon for the 2015 Bob Meade Classic, a 10k road race and one mile fun run for ages 14 and younger, in Woolwich on Saturday, Aug. 1. The Classic is part of the annual Woolwich Day Celebration.
The fun run and 10k walkers will start at 8 a.m. and the 10k (6.2 miles) run starts at 9 a.m. Registration is at Nequasset Park in Woolwich beginning at 7 a.m.
Entry fee: For the 10k, $10 for pre-registration (non-refundable) and $12 on race day. Entry fee for the fun run is $5. T-shirts will be provided to the first 50 people who register. Please make checks out to the Town of Woolwich. Call 207-442-7094 for a registration form or email administrator@woolwich.us.
Awards: 10k race awards will go to the top finishers (male and female) in two categories (ages 12-21 and 22 and over). For the fun run, awards go to the top finishers (boy and girl) in two categories (ages 9 and under, and ages 9-14).
Race director is Hans van Willigen.
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