The views of Westport residents Thursday night could be good news for proponents of the town creating a committee to explore withdrawing from Regional School Unit 12.

Most people who spoke at a public hearing at town hall May 31 said they would like to form the committeee, at least to get the town the hard numbers it needs to decide whether or not to leave the school unit. Some speakers made it clear they are already leaning toward wanting to withdraw.

The town had to hold the hearing ahead of the local, June 12 referendum to create the committee. If the referendum passes, withdrawal would still take many additional steps, including a town vote and the state education commissioner's OK.

About 30 Westport residents attended the hearing. Look for complete coverage in the Wiscasset Newspaper June 7.

–Susan Johns reporting

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Candidates for the Wiscasset Board of Selectmen, Budget Committee, Water District Board of Trustees and Regional School Unit 12 Board of Directors discussed important issues at a forum held at the Wiscasset Town Office Thursday night, May 31. The forum, hosted by The Wiscasset Newspaper, brought together five candidates running for three open seats on the Board of Selectmen. The candidates for selectmen were: Judith Colby, Jason Downing, David Nichols, Ed Polewarczyk and Jefferson Slack.
Clifford Hendricks is running uncontested for an open seat on the Budget Committee and Ed Kavenaugh is also running uncontested for an open position as Water District Trustee.
Not present were Philip DiVice, who hopes to get elected as a Water District Trustee and Gerald Bailey, Sr. who is running for an open seat on the RSU 12 Board of Directors. The forum was filmed by LCTV and the full story will appear in the next edition of The Wiscasset Newspaper.

Who would you vote for in Wiscasset?
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Wiscasset's Briana Goud slides safely into third in Wednesday's game with Winthrop.

The Lady Wolverines finished their regular softball season with a record of 7-9 which has earned them a spot in the Western Maine Class C softball tournament due to begin next week.

     Senior captains Carolyn Footer and Sydney Morin who have played four years of varsity softball for Wiscasset will have their first playoff game next week, the same week they will graduate. In fact Footer said she has played on 11 varsity teams during her high school career and has never seen tournament action. 

     Both girls agree that their new coach, Claire Daniels, is a big part of their improvement. “She’s a good coach,” Morin said. “She gave us a fresh start and taught us new techniques,” Footer added. Footer feels the team’s positive has helped them as well. “We had no drama,” Footer said.

Wiscasset will host St. Dom’s on Tuesday, June 5 at 2 p.m.

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  The flashing lights hthe Woolwich Dike warned mortoriist that the dike had overflowed on Route 1, just below the Taste of Maine, alerted drivers to slow down because of several inches of water in the road.

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  On June 1 Wiscasset Police Chief Troy Cline responded to a report of a man found unconscious and not breathing at the Schooner Inn on Bath Road in Wiscasset at about 7:15 a.m.

         When Cline arrived, he met with Wiscasset Ambulance personnel who were checking on 32-year-old James MacInnes, Pittston, who subsequently died on scene.

         MacInnes’ was found laying face down by his cousin Wayne Perkins, 32, of Dresden, who was staying in the room with him.

         The Wiscasset Police Department, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department and Maine State Police conducted an investigation into the incident. The Maine State Police and Medical Examiner’s Office have confirmed MacInnes died of alcohol and drug use.

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About two hundred voters approved a $26 million education budget for Regional School Unit 1 during a district budget meeting at Bath Middle School Tuesday night. While some proposals to increase the budget on certain warrant articles failed to pass, all articles were approved as recommended by the school board.

Residents in Woolwich, Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg and West Bath, the towns belonging to this school district, will vote this budget up or down during a June 12 referendum.




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The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has deemed Statoil North America legally, technically and financially qualified to undertake a pilot wind farm project about 12 miles off the Maine coast. The next step in the federal offshore leasing process is to determine whether there are other wind energy developers interested in the proposed Gulf of Maine lease site. 

Last October, Statoil submitted a request for a commercial wind lease for its Hywind Maine pilot wind park, which would consist of four 3-mega watt turbines placed at water depths greater than 100 meters in a 22-square-mile lease area.

In a conference call on May 23, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management told state and federal wind farm task force members that it will soon determine if there is any competitive interest for the proposed lease and seek public comment on Statoil's proposal, its potential environmental consequences and impacts on other uses in the proposed lease area.

If the Bureau determines there is no competitive interest in the site, the leasing process will then focus on Statoil's specific construction and operation plans, which will be analyzed for consistency with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable laws.

If there are other qualified developers with a competitive interest in the lease site, the bureau will first go through a competitive lease sale process before considering any specific construction and operation plans.

State Rep. Bruce MacDonald, a task force member, said the exact time frame has not been determined, but he expects a notice will be issued sometime in the next three to six weeks. He said he will ensure that local fishermen and other concerned parties are informed when the federal notice/request for comments is issued.
MacDonald said that Statoil has made the decision to pursue the wind park proposal at least through the permitting phase.

Statoil will hold an open house at the Boothbay Fire House on Monday, June 25, from 4 to 7 p.m. MacDonald described the open house as an opportunity for residents to learn more about the proposed project directly from Statoil representatives and Tetra Tech, its local environmental consultants.

"I've been urging Statoil to bend over backwards to meet with the public," MacDonald said. "My suspicion is this is the first of a number of public meetings they will hold."

Statoil will also hold open houses at the Rockland Public Library on Tuesday, June 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland on Wednesday, June 27, from 4 to 7 p.m.

MacDonald said he encourages local residents to take advantage of opportunities to learn more and to comment on the wind farm proposal.

"I do want people to understand that there is a huge difference between conversations at Statoil's open houses and comments provided to U.S. government agencies that will be making decisions on this proposal," he said.

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A grand jury has indicted two Alna residents and a New Hampshire man on charges connected to the April 5 mugging of Boothbay artist Kathleen Billis in Portland, a spokeswoman for the Cumberland County District Attorney’s office said.

Brandon Smith, 25, of Alna, and Douglas Schneider, 24, of Exeter, N.H., are each charged with Class B robbery and Class B aggravated assault. Renee Monteiro, 25, of Alna, is charged with Class C theft. She had not been previously charged in the case, but had been named as a subject of the Portland Police investigation into the mugging.

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The ConnectME Authority voted June 7 to award Alna all the money the town asked for, to expand high-speed net access to 81 homes on Cross, West Alna and Lothrop Roads, practically all the ones that do not have service. The money will join with $40,500 from Time-Warner, the provider that will complete the project and sell subscriptions to the service.

The service should be in place by this time next year, a Time-Warner spokesman said.

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Dee Cooper-Rooney was in Wiscasset June 9, announcing that's where she'll end a 2013 kayaking trip from Florida to Maine. Cooper-Rooney has survived domestic violence in two relationships. Now happily married and training for next year's trip, she hopes the adventure will show people in situations like she was once in, that they can have a future free from abuse. Much more on her visit and her plans for the trip, in the June 14 Wiscasset Newspaper.


Florida woman visited Wiscasset June 9
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Two Wiscasset teens were arrested June 12 in connection with the bombing of two mailboxes in April.

Cory Hodgdon, 18, of Wiscasset, and a 17-year-old juvenile also of Wiscasset have been charged with two counts of criminal use of explosives, a Class C crime, and two counts of reckless conduct, a Class D crime, for allegedly bombing the mailboxes of Wiscasset Selectmen Ed Polewarczyk and Wiscasset resident Cheryl Campbell.

Hodgdon has an initial court date of July 26 in the Wiscasset District Court.  The juvenile has an initial juvenile court date of July 24.

Wiscasset Police
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Wiscasset voters re-elected  Selectmen Judith Colby, and Ed Polewarczyk to serve another two years on the board , and elected Jefferspn Slack as selectmen, who defeated incumbent David Nichols. The newly elected selectmen took their oath of  office Wednesay, June 13.

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The Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit 12 budget passed in every town except Somerville with a two vote differential in the June 12 budget referendum.

"We're very pleased with this budget; it supports kids," RSU 12 Superintendent Greg Potter said during a telephone interview after the referendum. "This is a very positive result and we feel good about that support."

The voting results are as follows (numbers taken from RSU 12 Office of the Superintendent):

Alna: 60 yes, 50 no

Chelsea: 242 yes, 164 no

Palermo: 91 yes, 73 no

Somerville: 36 yes, 38 no

Westport Island: 114 yes, 98 no

Whitefield: 175 yes, 95 no

Windsor: 176 yes, 128 no

Wiscasset: 333 yes, 326 no

Totals: 1227 yes and 972 no votes. Of the total votes, there were 78 "voids" or ballot with this question left blank.

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Voters in the towns of Arrowsic, Bath, Phippsburg, West Bath and Woolwich approved the Regional School Unit 1 budget in the June 12 budget validation referendum. Total votes cast: 2167.

Arrowsic: 68 yes, 24 no

Bath: 729 yes, 335 no and 12 ballots were left blank

Phippsburg: 187 yes, 119 no and nine ballots were left blank

West Bath: 171 yes, 83 no

Woolwich: 283 yes, 136 no and 11 ballots were left blank

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