Please recycle
Dear Editor:
Please be aware that the price the town of Wiscasset (and hence the taxpapers) is now paying for Single Stream Recycling has now gone up from $5/ton to $125/ton. That's not a typo! The lovely folks at the Transfer Station are asking that we all start sorting our recycling so that clear glass containers are placed in a separate dumpster. This will help to reduce the weight of our current single stream refuse and keep some money in the town coffers.
I would also ask that the next time you go grocery shopping to please try to avoid plastic containers if at all possible. If the product you are purchasing offers a glass container as well as a plastic one, please purchase the glass option. If not, perhaps consider asking your grocer to start offering different packaging options.
We can all make a difference by thoughtfully reducing the trash that goes into the landfill. As well, please don't forget to separate out your food scraps (information about what can and cannot be composted is on the website). The Transfer Station provides bins for this purpose, and those scraps are collected weekly by Lincoln County and composted. You can then purchase their compost either by the bag or by the yard; it's the circle of life.
Leslie Roberts
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