Wiscasset Eagle Scout candidate raising funds for trail clean-up
Dear Editor:
I am a 17-year-old junior at Wiscasset High School. Currently I am working to obtain the rank of Eagle Scout. The last requirement I need to complete is my Eagle Project. My project is going to benefit Wiscasset.
I plan to improve the trail system between the Community Center, Morris Farm and The Sortwell Pines Management Area. This project will include installing trail signs and markers along the trail. The project will also install a kiosk at all three trail heads. I am currently working on fundraising.
I discovered the need for walking trail improvement through conversations with Todd Souza, the Director of Parks and Recreation in Wiscasset. He told me that the trail system is underused. Many people are unaware of the trail system and this project will help improve awareness and confidence to navigate. I felt this was a shame because the wilderness is a great place to explore and get fresh air while getting a refreshing workout.
This trail system provides a place to walk that is both beautiful and safe from traffic. I believe that a great community asset is not being used enough.
Being a student at Wiscasset High, I recognize that annual volunteer hours are needed for graduation. I plan to establish an annual trail clean-up and maintenance day that would allow students and local residents to come and help.
I want to let nature’s beauty be known and enjoyed by all, so I am asking for your help to make my Eagle Project’s dream a reality. The total cost estimate for my project is approximately $800. I am seeking donations to fund the project from my family, friends and the local community. All donations, whether big or small, would be extremely appreciated. Send any donations to Troop 621/David Marcus Eagle Project in care of David Marcus, 132 West Alna Road, Wiscasset, ME 04578. Your donations will be going toward a project that will benefit our community for years to come. Any funds left over after project completion will be given to the Wiscasset Parks and Recreation Department for future trail maintenance and care.
David Marcus
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