Prefers Shaw’s special hours
Dear Editor:
For me at almost 91 and my dear bride of 81, it's a no “brainer” that Shaw’s is the undisputed winner by a landslide, especially for us senior citizens in such challenging times. As a senior citizen, which would you choose as being more sensitive, respective, insightful, and accommodating our needs during these special times?
I understand Hannaford's time slot for us to shop is 6 to 7 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, while Shaw’s will be open for us 7 to 9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday. At our ages and morning regimes (meds. etc.), 6 to 7 a.m. shopping is not at all realistic for us. It's as if we are being told, “Here's your narrow/inconvenient, time slot (one hour)” to shop for your basic hard-to-find necessities. It's too bad we don't have a Shaw’s in the Harbor. Though their special shopping days are at two/week, the much more convenient 7 to 9 period can be much less stressful and more productive.
Let me be very clear that my words are not directed at the wonderful, caring and always helpful employees of our local Hannaford. In fact, I worry about the early times some are going to experience (driving to work) to be on deck at 6 a.m. Is it fair to them? It's upper management who made and handed down its “token” response to our unique situation. Of the two upper management teams, it seems as if Shaw’s is more empathetic to our population.
Howard P. Wright Sr.
East Boothbay
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