No place to shelter
Dear Editor:
During our recent outages due to snow, rain, and blustery winds, I was dismayed to find that no facilities existed where a person in my circumstances could shelter during the lockdown. As a single senior whose heat, range, oven, refrigerator, telephone, internet, and water pump all depend on electricity, I called four difference agencies to seek a place where I might go for the duration, and was either given an answering machine telling me they were closed or a person who relayed the same message.
I wasn’t going to bother anyone with this thinking what were the chances that these circumstances could happen again. Sure enough, Monday night (April 13) proved me wrong. Therefore, it is my sincere wish that such a sheltering place might be provided in the future should these events coincide once again.
Hats off to all the folks who are already doing so much. All their efforts are very much appreciated.
Susan van Alsenoy
Event Date
United States