Ordinance to address Woolwich’s future solar projects
Woolwich selectmen Dec. 5 agreed to name a committee to develop a proposed ordinance allowing future solar projects in rurally zoned areas. The board’s decision came in response to a petition filed by resident Debra Foss.
Foss told the board she had collected 220 signatures for the ordinance outside the polls on Election Day. She said all but one of the signatures had been verified by the town clerk. The committee of five with two alternates will include one planning board member. One selectman will serve as chairman pro tem until the committee can pick its own chairman.
Maine Department of Transportation is still planning a temporarily closing of the Old Stage Road bridge. A sign announcing the closure was recently posted on the Wiscasset side of the bridge. The planned closure dates were Dec. 13-16 and Dec. 19-22. Selectman Jason Shaw said he hoped to learn more from MDOT officials about the project later this week. The closure is planned to conduct a series of test borings in preparation for replacing the two-lane wooden bridge in the next year or two. Shaw said the current bridge was built and paid for by Wiscasset in 1991.
Select Board Chairman David King Sr. noted he’s signed off on the board’s behalf to an agreement with Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick for the town’s ambulance service to provide patient transport services. The board had asked for minor changes. According to the agreement, one of the town’s two ambulances will be on call once a week and in return the hospital pays the town $1,250 whether or not ambulance transport is needed. Other communities, including Boothbay and Wiscasset, are also providing ambulance transfer coverage for Mid Coast Hospital. Woolwich has already provided several hospital transports since the contract was signed.
By a 4-0 vote, with Selectman Allen Greene absent, the board agreed to hire Dead River Company to install a new heating unit at the firehouse in the municipal building. The initial cost was $8,000.
Debbie Locke said three bags of canned and dry goods and $87 in cash were collected for Bath Area Food Bank at Sunday’s tree lighting held at Nequasset Meetinghouse. King thanked the special events committee for putting on the program, which included a performance of live music by The Montsweagers. He also thanked residents who have donated money to the town’s winter home heating account. He encouraged residents to contact the town office if they know of anyone, or were themselves, in need of financial help to heat their homes.
Selectman Allison Hepler said she knew of three residents who wanted to volunteer for the communications committee. Two other residents have expressed interest in becoming part of the special events committee. The select board will make the appointments at the start of the new year.