Shore Hills to host Community Lunch 1/9/2023

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free lunch Shore Hills is hosting Community Lunch on Monday 1/09, cards, cribbage, Jean Reny is taking on challengers for cribbage at the lunch on Monday!!

Community Lunch will be hosted this week by Shore Hills Campground!  Jean Reny and crew will be serving up a plateful of goodness featuring Baked Beans, Hot Dogs, Cole Slaw, and Dianne Carrol’s world-famous yeast rolls!  Fresh homemade desserts, Tancy’s Haddock Chowder, and a couple of additional mystery entrees will also be on the menu. 

Jean Reny is also issuing a challenge to anyone who wants to take her on in a game of cribbage!  Boards and cards will be provided. 

free lunch Shore Hills is hosting Community Lunch on Monday 1/09 cards, cribbage, Jean Reny is taking on challengers for cribbage at the lunch on Monday!!
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