Health and Wellness

Will this be the year you work on becoming healthier than you are at this moment? In your mind, what would that entail?

 Exercise 3 or 4 times a week? Walking? Best bet, whatever you choose is to start slow in building up your endurance. Join the Boothbay Region YMCA, Crow Point Yoga, and others for classes, particularly if you haven't exercised in a long time, having a set of knowledgable eyes on you is beneficial. Or, simply get outdoors and walk, inhale, exhale ... That's it! You've got it.

               GO slow - you'll get there!

For a healthier you, check out all the possibilities below! Follow the links in the advertiser ads on the right and find out who has what interests you. 


 Holistic healing 

Massage * Chiropractic * Acupuncture 

Reiki * Yoga * Meditation

Tai Chi * Qigong  

Sound and/or Voice Therapy 

Forest Bathing Nature walks  


Golf * Pickleball *Racquetball * Tennis 

Swimming *Hiking *Aerobics

Bicycling *Running *Dancing


           "Exercise teaches you the pleasure of discipline." Jane Fonda                                                     




Health & Wellness Guide 2025