Philippa Beal solo show at Damariscotta River Grill
Sat, 10/14/2023 - 12:15pm
A new solo show opens at Damariscotta River Grill Oct. 17, showcasing the work of Philippa Beal. Art is on display through Dec. 3.
Philippa shares: “My love of art stems from my early life living in Nairobi. Our family would often travel to the game park just outside of Nairobi to watch the animals. In 2002, I returned to Kenya for a visit. On my return to Maine, I began to use pastel crayons to try and capture the animals I had seen. I immersed myself drawing from photos on the dining room table. I loved pastels; however, I was never happy with the results. Then in 2008 a house fire destroyed all my work and supplies I gave up and returned to needle and wet felting to find the joy that the pastels had given me. I was quite successful in that and thoroughly enjoyed the felting process.
“I didn’t think of going back to painting, but one day in a local restaurant, I ran into one of the teachers, Katharina, and she suggested I return to the studio and take art lessons. Eagerly I did so, and here I am incorporating abstract and realism into my paintings. I love the classes and enjoy the camaraderie of the other students. In spite of their advanced ability, they appear to have the same doubts and anxiety that I do, yet still enjoy putting paint on canvas just as I do.”
Why abstracts? “My answer varies but often comes down to the freedom of painting color and shapes and not being tied to a format,” said Beal. “I have since discovered that abstract art has rules just like other modalities. But the abstract is abstract for the pure reason that there is no story. I can make one up, but often it is one shape referring to another. I have learned that there has to be connection to all of it, however that took a long time for me to grasp. The idea of painting figures and animals was prompted by a photo of a figure I was given to try and paint. Never having done it before, it was quite a challenge, however with help, I managed it. It is now my passion, the abstract first, with the realism second. It has been an exciting journey and one that will with luck, and patience, take me all the way through the rest of my life.“
The Grill, located at 155 Main St., Damariscotta, serves dinner at 4 p.m. Closed on Sundays. For more information visit
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155 Main Street
Damariscotta, ME 04543
United States
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