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Request for Proposals Camden Rockport Elementary School (CRES) Siding Project


Request for Proposals

Camden Rockport Elementary School (CRES) Siding Project

Issuing Agency:
22 Knowlton St
Rockport ME 04856
Contact Info:
Christopher D. Fanelli: Director of Facilities and Transportation
Phone: 207-236-7340
Evaluation Committee:
Christopher D. Fanelli. Director of Facilities and Transportation
Pete Orne, Director of Finance
Chris Walker-Spencer, Principal
Date RFP Issued: 11/30/23
Dates Advertised: 11/30/23 – 12/29/23
Contractor Site Visit: 12/13/23
Questions accepted until: 1/4/2024
Answers in writing: 1/4/24 10:00 am
Proposals Due: 1/5/24 10:00 a.m.
Proposals Opened: 1/5/24 11:00 a.m.
Proposals Evaluated: 1/5/24
Possible Award of Contract: 1/8/24
Start of Construction: 6/17/24
Installation Substantial Completion By: 8/23/24
Installation Final Completion By: 8/30/24

I. Project Description
MSAD 28 requests proposals for the following project, Camden Rockport Elementary School (CRES) Siding Project as part of the overall goal of completing siding renovation on the old Montessori section of the Elementary School.

II. Description of RFP Process; Selection Criteria
Interested contractors must adhere to the timeline identified in this request. In the event that alterations to the timeline become necessary, all contractors that have submitted their intention to submit proposals will be notified of the changes and an addendum will be added to this document.
The School District will subjectively evaluate proposals based upon the following criteria:
1. How well the proposal meets the needs of the School District;
2. Cost effectiveness;
3. Experience with similar jobs
4. Financial capacity (Maine statute requires public projects in excess of $125,000 to be
secured by payment and performance bonds)
5. References.
Proposals will be good for at least 90 days after they are submitted. The School District
reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to exercise its judgment in evaluating
proposals, to negotiate with one or more contractors submitting proposals and to request clarifications and/or demonstrations.