KELT Winter Lecture Series: Blue Crabs with Jessie Batchelder
Join Jessie Batchelder from Manomet Conservation Sciences in a conversation about blue crabs and their future in Maine water, on Thursday, Jan. 23 from 6 to 7 p.m.
As the Gulf of Maine is warming (faster than 99% of the rest of the world’s), many species are expanding their range - including blue crabs. Manomet and the Maine Department of Marine Fisheries have called on fishermen to track and report their observations through an online survey.
Blue crabs could have a negative impact on local shellfish populations, and on local aquaculture industries (lobster fisheries, oyster farms and clam digging). However, this species could also become a new fishery in Maine,expanding the market.
KELT Winter Lecture Series is a continuing series focused on learning, discussing, and connecting around the fascinating ecology of our local area. Hosted by Kennebec Estuary Land Trust, presented on Zoom. Registration is required for Zoom.