The DRA ice rink returns
For the past three years, late November and early December have marked the time for the reappearance of the Damariscotta River Association (DRA) community ice skating rink at Round Top Farm on Business Route 1. This event occurs in three stages.
The first stage requires setting up the boards that define the perimeter of the rink. This year, 30 stalwart volunteers turned up to drag the boards and brackets out of storage. They secured them and completed the job in less than two hours.
For stage two, last week, the liner made its annual appearance. Again, a record number of volunteers showed up to complete the task. According to organizer Matt Filler, the liner does not get unfurled until there is appropriate weather. He talks of the delicate timing required. The process necessitates two consecutive days when the weather is cold enough to make ice. The liner gets set on the first day, and the water gets poured on the second. If the first day happens without the second, then leaves and debris can end up littering the liner before the ice can be made.
He jokes that he becomes “the local weatherman, with people asking me on a daily basis, ‘what’s the weather going to be like?’”
The ideal weather conditions determine when stage three, the final one, takes place. This year, as in the past, Damariscotta Fire Department-Massasoit Engine Company members once again volunteered their time to flood the rink once the liner was laid.
At 5:30 a.m., they performed their task in freezing temperatures but in good spirits. Unfortunately, Mother Nature intervened on the following days, contributing a layer of icy snow and rain, making the rink unusable until it can be cleared.
The annual appearance of the ice rink is made possible by the dedicated work of volunteers who participate in one, two, or all three of the stages. The rink’s initial creation was made possible by generous donations from numerous individuals, organizations and businesses. The names of major founding sponsors appear on a sign at the rink.
Additional important help was provided by Colby & Gale, which donated propane for the warming hut, and by Great Salt Bay Sanitary District, which donated the water to fill and maintain the rink.
Following the completion of the rink set-up, the DRA is hoping that a similar number of people will volunteer to help prepare and serve the hot drinks that will be available at the warming hut on weekends. For more information or to volunteer for a two-hour shift, please call the DRA at 207-563-1393, email, or view their website at
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