Midcoast Senior College presents 9 new classes this spring
Midcoast Senior College brings classes to seniors interested in lifelong learning. The following new courses begin the week of Monday, April 7. Courses are four to six weeks long and are either in-person or online (Zoom). No grades, no exams, join MSC for learning for the fun of it! Registration for the following courses opens on March 17 for members and March 19 for non-members.
Growing Up, 9:30-11 a.m. six-week, 90-minute in-person course begins April 14. We’ll look at just what it means to be an adult, eschewing standard definitions; and in that context, explore such themes as mortality, power, fear of failure, identity, and relationships. Frank Strasburger
Brain Repair, 1-2:30 p.m. six-week, 90-minute in-person course begins April 7. An overview of the evolution of ideas about the brain, what it does, the causes and the mechanisms of traumatic brain injury and stroke and current approaches to treatment and repair of the damaged nervous system. Don Stein
Healing, 1-3p.m. six-week, 120-minute in-person course begins April 7. When we say healing, most people think “biomedicine,” which targets mainly disease and physical injury, however, there are other serious afflictions which have effectively been targeted by social healing. Steve Piker
Exercise and Aging, 9:30-11 a.m. four-week, 90-minute online course begins April 8. Learn the physiological aspect of how the skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and nervous systems operate. Exercise is shown to be a “tool” that induces stress on these systems. Chris Scott
MSC Singers: A Celebration 2:30-4:30 p.m. seven-week, 120-minute in-person course meets April 8 to May 20, plus June 10 and June 12. We will learn four well-known, four-part folk choral arrangements that speak to the theme of celebration. Through song, we’ll celebrate Midcoast Senior College’s 25th anniversary as well as the MSC Singers’ 10th anniversary. Stu Gillespie
Humor: Not Just a Laughing Matter, 9:30-11 a.m. five-week, 90-minute in-person course begins April 16. This course is designed to explore the role of humor in our lives while encouraging laughter during the learning process. Susan Goran
American Religion 1820-1920, 1-3 p.m. six-week, 120-minute in-person course begins April 9. This class will be a review of American religion from the Second Great Awakening to the Roaring Twenties, with an emphasis on the increasing influence of women in religion. Ted Stainman
The Wyeth Family of Artists, 1-2:30 p.m. four-week, 90-minute hybrid course (in person and on Zoom) begins April 9. We’ll review and discuss selected works by four members of this illustrious family of American artists: N.C., Andrew, Jamie, and Carolyn. An optional excursion to the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland will be offered. George Young
Introducing West African Textiles, 1-3 p.m. five-week, 120-minute in-person course begins April 17. We’ll learn about the origins of West African strip-woven textiles, influenced by parts of North Africa and explore other textile manifestations within these countries. Susan Bowditch
To register and find out more, visit www.midcoastseniorcollege.org or call us at 207-725-4900. To register for a course, you must be a current MSC member or a current member of another Maine senior college. The annual $40 membership fee is valid from July 1 through June 30 of each calendar year. All courses are $60 per person. MSC offers confidential tuition waivers to its members from its scholarship fund. Please contact us if our fees are outside your budget. Send your tuition waiver request to info@midcoastseniorcollege.org.