Wiscasset FOS bake sale March 29
On Saturday, March 29, come one, come all to Ames Supply, Bath Road, Wiscasset.
From 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., purchase scrumptious baked goods. All proceeds go toward providing weekend bags of food for participating Wiscasset Elementary School students living in food insecure households, as well as supporting the group’s Set For Success initiative’s August event that provides school supplies for all Wiscasset students, regardless of ability to pay, as they begin each new school year. Provide for all so that none need go wanting.
These initiatives require funds to make it all happen. Parents who can pay for their children’s supplies are encouraged to donate those funds to Feed Our Scholars’ Set For Success who will do the shopping for them. Write Set For Success on the memo line. People who want to help feed hungry children can make a donation to the group with a memo note toward that. Want to help with both? Put that note in the memo line. Send any checks to FOS/S4S to St. Philip’s Church, 12 Hodge St., Wiscasset, ME 04576.
To find out more about the program, please visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wiscassetfeedourscholars, or our website at https://feedourscholars.wordpress.com/. Want to contact us? Email us at FeedOurScholars@gmail.com or call St. Philip’s Church at 882-7184, leaving a brief message with a call-back name and number, and we will return your call.
Better still, come to Ames on the 29th. Pick up some goodies to stave off the mud season blues, and support those among us who need a proverbial hand up, not a handout.