YMCA announces co-directors of Camp Knickerbocker
More than an expanded partnership in programming with the Boothbay Region Land Trust, the Boothbay Region YMCA welcomes its own Maddie Rideout and BRLT’s Tracey Hall as co-directors of Camp Knickerbocker. The skills, education and experience these two possess, along with their love of the outdoors and positive attitudes, are just a few of many traits each will bring to Camp K.
As seen in the Boothbay Register on March 26, 2014, the BRLT announced the expansion of their partnership with the Y where BRLT Environmental Educator Tracey “Turtle” Hall will be a familiar face at Camp K as she works with camp staff to utilize the lake, fields and forests on the 70-acre site. In addition to those responsibilities, Hall will work in direct partnership with Rideout, the Y’s child enrichment director with the newly added word “Camp” to her title.
Y summer camp is not a new career for Hall as she has worked at Y Camp Arroyo (part of the East Bay YMCA in California) as well as Camp Spears Eljabar in the Poconos. In both capacities, Hall worked with and educated staff and campers in the area of outdoor education. Rideout, who has worked at the Boothbay Region YMCA for four years and been responsible for summer camp registration last summer and this summer, enrolled in the YMCA camp director program some time ago in hopes there would be a Y opportunity down the road. That opportunity has come and the road has brought her to Camp K. Rideout alongside Hall are eager for camp to begin.
When asked what their responsibilities will include, Hall states that she definitely has a handle on the curriculum and outdoor education aspect of camp as well as training summer camp staff how to include it in all aspects of a camper’s day. Rideout is looking forward to continuing on with the administrative aspect of camp as well as working alongside Hall to hire and train staff, participate in flag raising ceremonies, be available to staff and parents as a resource, and to assure that camp lives up to the high quality of programs the Y is looking to provide.
Both Hall and Rideout plan to build off old camp traditions while incorporating some new ones. The spirit stick is just one of many to make a reappearance this summer. (An article to follow on what the Camp K Spirit Stick is). They also look forward to being out and about at Camp K. Greeting campers and parents in the morning as people exit their vehicles. Introducing campers to their counselors and answering any questions they may have. Ensuring the trained counselors are implementing the curriculum that has been developed for them by Hall. Overseeing the adventure and Half-Day Camp counselors and seeing to it their weekly adventures begin and end with teambuilding at Camp K.
The YMCA is currently accepting camp registration for all of its summer camps including Camp K, Y-Arts Theatre Camp, Dance Camp and Arts Camp, Adventure Camps, Sport Camps and Half-Day Specialty camps. Financial assistance applications will be accepted through Friday, June 6.
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