Newcastle and Damariscotta bike and pedestrian survey
The Newcastle-Damariscotta Bicycle-Pedestrian Committee would like to remind all area residents and visitors to take a few minutes to complete the committee’s Bike-Pedestrian Survey.
The survey results will be used to evaluate the adequacy of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, determine whether there are any safety issues and identify any improvements that should be made in the future.
This information will be incorporated into a community-wide bicycle-pedestrian plan that will serve as the basis for prioritizing future state and local improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the communities.
Paper copies of the survey are available at the town offices, YMCA and the Skidompha Public Library. The survey can also be completed electronically and is available at, or
Any questions about the survey or the project should be referred to Lincoln County Planner Bob Faunce at or 207-784-2617.
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