Election night with area Republicans, candidates
A relatively quiet group of Republicans gathered at Davis Island Inn in Edgecomb tonight to await election results. Sitting around the bar and in small groups in front of three large-screen TVs, it could have been any social gathering. There were no campaign signs and the only real cheering came when Les Fossel announced he had won Wiscasset shortly after polls closed, and Jefferson a little later. Fossel eventually lost to Chris Johnson (D) by fewer than 100 votes, with a total count of 10,672 to 10,588.
There was no running tally of votes like at the Democrats’ headquarters, where votes were projected on the wall in an Excel spreadsheet.
At the Republicans’ party, we searched websites and candidates called town clerks trying to get results. Fossel scribbled his tally on little pieces of paper he kept in his wallet as the votes came in.
The presidential election's electoral votes were being divvied out slowly and continuously on Fox News, but there was little reaction. Everyone believed it would be a long night, with both national and local elections too close to call.
An ebullient but tired Fossel said he was glad the campaign was over. He said no matter what the outcome of tonight’s race, he was determined to work to end the dirty campaign tactics of this election season. At 10:30 p.m., when this reporter left Davis Island Inn, less than 10 people were left and Fossel was trailing Chris Johnson by about 50 votes. Key towns like Waldoboro still hadn’t reported.
Alan Pinkham was 23 votes behind Mick Devin and a smiling, but obviously weary Pinkham awaited Damariscotta’s numbers. Pinkham lost to Devin by just 82 votes, with a total count of 2,837 to 2,755. Jon McKane, whose seat Pinkham seeks to fill, said he did not have his eye on any future political race but would be happy if his efforts to get Fossel and Pinkham elected succeeded.
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