2025 Union Fair/Maine’s Wild Blueberry Festival Poster Contest
The Trustees of the Union Fair – Maine’s Wild Blueberry Festival are launching their annual contest to choose a design suitable for use in publicizing the 2025 Fair in July.
The contest is now open. All entries need to be submitted by Feb. 10. The winner will be announced in March.
Entries should reflect the themes of this traditional agricultural fair which must include, but may not be limited to, blueberries, agriculture, fairs/carnivals, farm animals, 4-H, crafts, etc. Posters should reflect the aspects of a traditional Agricultural Fair as well as the Wild Blueberry Festival.
Art work should be poster size, approximately 14” x 20” and should not include lettering, dates, etc.
Contest entries will be accepted from the public except individuals and family members of the Union Fair Trustees and Officers.
The selected poster will be awarded a prize of $750.
All rights to the selected design will become the property of the Union Fair. The winning poster will be used in all print and social media promotion of the 2025 Union Fair.
It is hoped that the artist will be available, but not required, to attend one or more days during fair week to be recognized and to sign posters, etc.
Medium is the artist's choice but must be in color. Remember that the selected design will be utilized in the production of posters and other media so colors must be strong, design bold and graphic and avoid elements that do not reproduce clearly such as shading.
2025 Union Fair Children’s Poster Contest
A special opportunity for children’s entries, ages 5-12, includes a winner’s prize of four free admission tickets for entry to the Fair. All other rules for entry apply for the youth contest.
Please email njmoxie1@verizon.net for entry form and submission information.
For further information about the contest people can go to https://www.unionfair.org/poster-contest or can contact George Gross at (802) 476-2792 or the email above.