45th annual North Nobleboro Day Aug. 12
Every year without fail, on the second Saturday of August, the delicious smell of barbecued chicken wafts through the air in North Nobleboro, accompanied by the rollicking sounds of friends and community members enjoying great food and music in the summer sun. This year, North Nobleboro Day will be held on Saturday, Aug. 12 at the community grounds on Upper East Pond Road in North Nobleboro. This will be the 45th year that members of the North Nobleboro community have joined together to provide a fun-filled day for their neighbors while raising money for donations to benefit the local area, and it is a highly anticipated tradition for many in the community.
Booths will open at 9 a.m. this year. The country kitchen will be filled with homemade pies and doughnuts, delicious breads and cakes, baked beans, and more. There is even a booth dedicated to homemade fudge. Hot dogs, fresh-picked corn on the cob, french fries and Round Top ice cream will also be available along with various soft drinks.
The craft table always has many beautiful hand-made items and the Hall will be filled with trash and treasures, a bargain hunter’s dream. The silent auction table will have valuable items up for bid such as handmade blankets, jewelry and art prints.
Country Western singer Debbie Myers will be back for her 12th year at North Nobleboro Day and her band “Redneck Rodeo” will be performing from 10 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. Debbie was the Top Honors Recipient at the 2006 and 2007 Maine Academy of Country Music Awards as “Best Female Vocalist” and “Entertainer of the Year.” In past years, she has delighted audiences with tributes to Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, and Reba McIntyre. Don’t miss an opportunity to see what is always an outstanding musical event.
Under the big tent, the live auction will commence at 1 p.m. People are busy cleaning out their attics to find those “oldies but goodies” and area merchants generously donate new items for auction. Any individuals wishing to donate may contact Hilary Petersen at 832-7489 (No large appliances please).
Nobleboro’s hard-working chicken pit crew will once again have their famous chicken barbecue ready at 11 a.m. and serve through the afternoon until sold out. The dinner menu consists of half a chicken barbecued with an old secret recipe, coleslaw, a dinner roll, chips, and a beverage. Bring your appetite for a mouthwatering feast.
The North Nobleboro Community Association is proud to use proceeds from this day for donations to various organizations including our local fire departments and for financial assistance to qualified Nobleboro students. Monies are also used for the upkeep of local cemeteries, the Community Hall, and the basketball courts.
North Nobleboro Day will take place from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Aug. 12, rain or shine, at the community grounds at the intersection of East Pond and Upper East Pond roads approximately three miles from Route 1 in Nobleboro or three miles from Route 32 in Jefferson. There will be fun shopping opportunities, great food to eat, places to sit and rest and plenty of free parking. For more information, find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NorthNobleboroCommunityAssociation.
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