Absentee ballots available soon for Nov. 7 Wiscasset vote
Absentee ballots for the Nov. 7 referendum election will be available beginning Oct. 6 until the close of the business day Nov. 2 at the Wiscasset town office.
Town Clerk Linda Perry said Wiscasset’s registered voters can vote by absentee ballot in person at the town office during business hours or can call 882-8200 ext. 104 to request a ballot. Absentee ballot applications are also available at the town office for registered voters who would like a ballot mailed to them.
Registered voters may also request an absentee ballot by filling out an application prepared by the state. A link to the application is available at www.wiscasset.org.
Perry added she would be conducting absentee voting 30 days prior to the election at Wiscasset Green, an assisted living facility at 21 Washington St.
All absentee ballots must be returned by 4 p.m., Friday, Nov. 3, with early processing starting 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6. Perry noted early ballot processing is done publicly at Wiscasset Community Center. The polls at WCC will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. election day.
The state ballot includes two citizen initiatives: Question 1, to allow slot machines or a casino in York County, and Question 2, an act to expand Medicaid providing healthcare coverage for qualified adults under age 65 with incomes at or below the federal poverty level.
Voters will also consider a $105 million bond for infrastructure improvements including highways, bridges and other transportation facilities in addition to bicycle and pedestrian trails. Monies will be matched by an estimated $137 million in federal and other funds for upgrades of municipal culverts at stream crossings. There’s also a proposed state Constitutional amendment to reduce volatility in state pension funding requirements.
Wiscasset voters will consider four local referendum questions which would authorize an ambulance purchase, repeal the historical preservation ordinance, apply funds raised for town planning to the 2017 tax commitment, and amend the shellfish ordinance to allow the select board to increase clamming license fees.
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