Alna to hire lawyer

Fri, 04/23/2021 - 8:45am

    Alna selectmen said Wednesday night, April 21, they were holding off on addressing two issues residents have been asking about: Whether or not the Head Tide Dam site complies with permits; and recent voter challenges’ possible tie to building codes. Third Selectman Charles Culbertson said Maine Municipal Association recommended selectmen do nothing until they have a lawyer.

    The board is working to pick a firm from about seven candidates, he said.

    “Our highest priority is to do this very quickly ... We’re doing our due diligence to interview (candidates) and try to come up with a decision as soon as we can,” likely within a week or two, Culbertson said in the Zoom meeting.

    These are important issues the board does not take lightly, he said. “But we also want to make sure we’re on sound legal ground before we do anything.” He added, the project at the dam was a year and a half ago. “So another week or two really’s not going to make that much difference.”

    As for the voter challenges, Town Treasurer Amy Stockford – interim town clerk during last month’s elections – said April 22, the hearing on the challenges has not been set. Stockford said selectmen have asked her to wait for the lawyer’s hiring before scheduling it.

    Also April 21, the board named Maria Jenness to the planning board; heard Code Enforcement Officer Tom McKenzie report he again found no violations at Juniper Hill School; thanked Ona Brazwell for getting back online; sought more volunteers for the food pantry; and thanked Stephanie Cheney for her work on a survey to help the town plan a new website.

    Culbertson and Second Selectman Linda Kristan want residents’ ideas and photos for the new site. They want it to reflect Alna and its people, Kristan said. Besides the survey at, residents can contact Interim Town Clerk Lisa Arsenault.