Alna starts election season
Alna elects two selectmen next March and both may be new. As nominations opened, the incumbents were undecided about running.
Papers are available at the town office and must be turned in by 6 p.m. Jan. 21 with 25-100 signatures of registered Alna voters, a Dec. 12 town email states.
Third Selectman Doug Baston said Dec. 13 in email replies to the Wiscasset Newspaper, if he does run, it will be for the second selectman's seat. Why? So he will no longer be the one handling general assistance. He's too much of a soft touch, he said.
As for considering another run, Baston said: "I enjoy working with (First Selectman) Melissa (Spinney) and (Second Selectman) Ed (Pentaleri). We each have our own skills to bring to the job. On the other hand, I'd like to see a younger person step up to public service, someone with no agenda beyond doing the job. In my experience, issues usually get thrown at you; you don't need to bring them with you."
Emailed separately, Pentaleri noted his first run this spring took "some sustained persuasion." Voters made then-second selectman Spinney first selectman in March and, in June, elected Pentaleri to finish the rest of the third selectman’s term.
“Now, as then, there are other areas to which I think my efforts would be better applied, and other ways I would much prefer to contribute to the community,” Pentaleri told the Wiscasset Newspaper. “For now, I’ll remain in a holding pattern, in hopes that other strong, positive candidates step forward.”
Each of the board seats up for election is for two years. Voters will also pick a road commissioner for a one-year term. Jeff Verney holds the office. Asked Dec. 14 if he will run again, he said he might as well.
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