America’s un-civil war
Dear Editor:
Thinking about the state of our country, I am unable to sleep: We have a president trying to undo the damage of his predecessor, trying to mend rifts with our allies, and trying to advance programs that make a positive difference to the country. And, unlike his predecessor, he is a decent human being. For his efforts, he gets otherwise sane people putting signs in their yards saying “Let’s Go Brandon.” Just to be sure, I Googled the meaning. Many don’t bother with the code and proudly display their swill on their vehicles and yards. Just days ago, former White House aide Bannon bragged about “taking down the Biden regime.” This isn’t taking down a regime, this is taking down the country.
Meanwhile the likes of Liz Cheney gets shunned by her party for having condemned a dangerous buffoon for trying to overthrow the legitimate government. She, not Rittenhouse, should be given a medal. Every time the likes of McConnell or McCarthy find some way to stymie progress, every time Fox “News” encourages the likes of Tucker Carlson to spew lies, every time a neighbor posts a “Brandon” sign, we are doing war with ourselves. As Angus King points out, this is serious.
The thirst for power has turned into an addiction, a blood lust, a blindness, a denial, a pathetic acquiescence and silence. It’s time to call this push to overthrow the U.S.A. for what it is – treason! This open subversion of the rule of law needs to stop. We need to ask our neighbors to take down their profane and uncivil signs and flags. If they refuse, it’s time to name them, people like our neighbors and friends on Fort Hill with their Brandon signs and their bumper stickers clinging to their darling dangerous clown.
There is talk of armed conflict in the U.S.! Are you kidding? The guns are firing, speaking, acting. Open crassness and incivility are here. Folks, we are in an uncivil war. Do the correct thing.
David Pope